Now you can own Ice-T's convertible NSX jh4na1268mt003161

Looks like it was in a bodyshop to me...Dust gets everywhere in bodyshops...Not sure why people are freekinout on this one, it was an Auto anyway:wink:
zahntech said:
Looks like it was in a bodyshop to me...Dust gets everywhere in bodyshops...Not sure why people are freekinout on this one, it was an Auto anyway:wink:

I is just that I am a very clean person and letting the inside of any car get that trashed bothers me.....even cars with automatics. :)
Shumdit said:
You guys are all crazy. All it needs is some Zymes.:biggrin:

HUGH ALERT!!!!:biggrin: :biggrin:
TURBO2GO said:
Mr. tough street rapper ex gangsta Ice-T can't drive a stick.... something about that is funny. :rolleyes:

Ya, I can just imagine cruisin with "Cop Killah" blastin, letting your slushbox do your shifting.