Not just a dude magnet after all!

21 December 2010
San Antonio area
Happy Labor Day, y'all! I was leaving Best Buy this past weekend after paying way too much for a phone charger cable and as I was walking up to my '91 a lady pulled up in a Pilot. "I love your car!," she exclaimed. She went on to tell me that she has always been a "Honda and Acura girl" and the NSX has been her dream car since they started building them. We discussed the car briefly and said goodbye. In the five plus years I've owned the car, this is the first time that a female 1) Went out of her way to compliment me on the car and 2) Knew what it was. This was such a refreshing contrast to all the guys asking what kind of Ferrari it is or telling me how awesome my Corvette is. Anyway, just thought I'd share.

had a frustration moment recently when a girl that drives hondas for years and is really into modifying her civic coupe did not know what the nsx was ... was one of these "ok, by *never call you again*" moments :D

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i had a girl in a prius lean across her boyfriend in the passenger seat to tell me how much she liked my car. i had thought she was going to give me a hard time about using too much gas.

but it's mostly a dude magnet
I was coming from the beach one day recently and had a girl behind me in a VW messing around on her phone. I was kind of pissed Thinking she was texting and going to rear end me. It turns out she was snapping pics. She beeped and gave me a peace V sign after she changed lanes and blew past me, lol