Northeast Power Blackout

Joel said:
I just heard about this. Crazy.

Homeland Security says that it's not terrorist-related.

Gee, I would love to see Erics take on that...on the other hand I couldnt read it (learn to love the ignore button, its our friend):D
My parents stil have no power in toronto. Nor does my brother in waterloo...

They are not impressed.
We just got some of our power back. You should see the line up for gas at the stations that are open. The lines are four to five blocks long! Everyone was going to the casino they werethe only ones with a good back up generator. I have never seen so many police standing around gaurding the place.
They closed the tunnel from Detroit to Canada the line for the bridge is is four hours long. You should see the security on the us side there must be 50 cops standing around checking cars.
92NSX said:
Just as long as George Bush doesn't make a speech and say anything we should be alright. :D


:D :D :D :D :D

The power outage was just a result of some sloppy engineering. Whoever is running the show over at Niagara Mohawk made a huge blunder today and half of the country paid the price as a result. No conspiracy here.....just poor engineering. I was lucky and got my power back on by around 7:15, although my sister who lives in New York City was still without power as of an hour ago (11pm)
Whoa Ken!!!!

nsxtasy said:
I think it's a conspiracy and Eric5273 is responsible. Can anyone prove me wrong? I want PROOF!


Eric might be responsible, but until you have the proof, you must give him the presumption of innocence, just like we all did to OJ!!:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
And I thought we Californians were the only ones in the U.S. facing power problems.

No power = no NSX Prime. What a horrible thought!
Re: Whoa Ken!!!!

RPM217 said:
Eric might be responsible, but until you have the proof, you must give him the presumption of innocence, just like we all did to OJ!!:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Hey.......just remember that OJ was found NOT-GUILTY ;)