Northeast Holiday Party Photos

Hi Bob & all;

Sorry to hear of your mis-understanding with the suffing of Suffern;Bob that
is why they arent Brain Surgoen's - Well Aunt Lori & I were able to escape
the aera with out incedent in the Arrest Me red racer.. We were back home in Farmington CT in good time 2Hrs avg. speed of 61mph for the 122mile trip
(each way).. Thanks for the great pictures & you time & willingness to do it..
Only thing Bailey's cheeks look kinda puffy - Oh pictures were after dinner..
Thankyou to Larry B. & Family for a GREAT TIME : Happy & Healthy New Year.
Regards - Clem & Lori Beauchemin :smile: :smile:
Andrie Hartanto said:
That black and white pictures. Looks like New York Mafia family gathering ;)

What? You did not know that they are new casting actors/actresses in the upcoming new movie, Godfather 4?? :biggrin: :wink:
RSO 34 said:
Here is a little more irony for you. I filed the civilian complaint with the Lieutenant and it turns out that my firm represents the Village in a false arrest lawsuit brought against the police for a DWI arrest. Small world....

Bob, it's time for an update, what's the status of this, is the jerk who stopped you been put on desk duty???????? Inquiring minds want to know!!! :biggrin:
RPM217 said:
Bob, it's time for an update, what's the status of this, is the jerk who stopped you been put on desk duty???????? Inquiring minds want to know!!! :biggrin:

After meeting with the Lieutenant they conducted an investigation and agreed with me that the two officers should be written up. The officer who gave me the test was also written up for violating safety protocols because he leaned into my car to administer the breathalyzer and my engine was running. He is required to make the driver step out of the vehicle so he doesn't risk being dragged away by someone trying to take off. I accepted the apology of the department and indicated I was satisified with the outcome. (Considering they are my client that is the least I could do to keep the account.)