Northeast Caravan

Larry had the unfortunate happen in Arizona. After one of his shopping sprees I slowly followed him back onto the Interstate...

I told him I was picking up radar (Ka band) on my Passport 8500x50 and he responded with something about no radar detection picked up on his Valentine one and failed to slow down -- this resulted in a speeding ticket for him -- he found out that >10mph over the limit is a criminal offense - the officer was kind and wrote the ticket for +10 :smile:

In New Mexico I took over for Larry and ran over a wandering Coyote....

No damage to the car...

Well, it's time to check out drive the last 800+ miles...
the sacred V1 failed to alert a driver....
OMG :eek: product recall, mr nader.... :rolleyes:

always have loved my escort/passport detectors....
i don't leave home without them...25 years runnin'

btw, i still get nabbed < 1% of the time....
jalnjr said:
the sacred V1 failed to alert a driver....
OMG :eek: product recall, mr nader.... :rolleyes:

always have loved my escort/passport detectors....
i don't leave home without them...25 years runnin'

btw, i still get nabbed < 1% of the time....

Larry's sending his Valentine back for an update, but I don't think it will help much. The Escort consistantly picks up Ka band before his Valentine One as experienced on this round trip to Phoenix.
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After a late start on Wednesday and some more shopping we didn't quite make it home so we spent the night in Washington, PA.
Some last pictures of the trip...
No matter how many times Larry washes his car, it always looks like this:

These are some of the views I had for most of the ride back (well at least when Larry could keep up with me :biggrin: )

Finally home...

Total drive was 5,864 miles
Worst MPG - 19.3
Best MPG - 27.9 (Clem had better mpg numbers)
Cheapest gas - $2.479/g
Most expensive - $3.399/g
Max speed limit - 75
Highest speeds - 142
Lowest speeds - stop & go traffic
Fuel cost - $708
tickets - 0 (as long as we don't count LarryG's AZ ticket)
mobile-to-mobile minutes used - 1737

Here is Larry G dreaming or thinking that his car is going fast while standing still:

This is me trying to break the sign while Larry takes a picture:
HOME !!!... [hi bags....] winkwink nudgenudge, say no more

nice trip is an understatement!!! looks like a fantabulous
time, & the driving sprited. glad your home in one piece.

thanx for the pix!!
leave yer car outside, it'll get washed.

those stats are crazy, hope you got a few thou for
that cell phone usage... :eek:
Re: HOME !!!... [hi bags....] winkwink nudgenudge, say no more

jalnjr said:
nice trip is an understatement!!! looks like a fantabulous
time, & the driving sprited. glad your home in one piece.

thanx for the pix!!
leave yer car outside, it'll get washed.

those stats are crazy, hope you got a few thou for
that cell phone usage... :eek:

$700 for gas could have provided me with first class tickets to Phoenix plus change, but no way could it compare with the fun driving there and back.

The cell phone usage is expected to be free as it was in-network mobile to mobile usage:smile:

I'm only back one day and already tired of the rain - who pissed off mother nature!!!????:frown: The only rain induced nice looking thing I've seen on my return is a very very green lawn that is in need of cutting...

Peter - the truth was revealed in Oklahoma City on Tuesday morning:biggrin: I think Bags was more caught off-guard than others:smile:
So far there have been no aftershocks.
Tony, Larry, Clem

Welcome home comrades. I'm glad everybody returned unharmed (except for Larry's ticket).

Even better I'm very happy to hear that Oklahoma went well.

Loved the pictures from the salt flats and of course the van shots.

thedon67 said:
Tony, Larry, Clem

Welcome home comrades. I'm glad everybody returned unharmed (except for Larry's ticket).

Even better I'm very happy to hear that Oklahoma went well.

Loved the pictures from the salt flats and of course the van shots.


Thanks Don....

Clem's whereabouts are currently unknown. He mentioned he would stop in Mississippi on the way back after Monday's autocross event... My guess is that he is taking a leisurely drive back home:smile:

The only damage incident was a small gash in Clem's front bumper from debris kicked up from LarryG's tires...