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Non code parking signs

Mind you, I can buy a hybrid today if I wanted to, I can have kids today if I wanted to, but I will never believe that I need or deserve to have a parking spot waiting for me when someone else can use it.
If it's private property, I respect the owners wishes. If I think those are absurd, I go elsewhere. Kinda like places with "No concealable weapons" signs.
I did see 'hybrid parking' signs at town hall once. I parked there and came out to a cop hanging around my truck. He questioned me about it and I told him that it ran on the souls of crushed prius', gasoline and leg power and proceeded to push my truck out of the space as a demonstration. He laughed his ass off and we bullshitted about my truck fro 15 minutes before I left.

Really, it that simple huh? Private property equals complete compliance by you know matter the circumstance? Or are there some exceptions?
Really, it that simple huh? Private property equals complete compliance by you know matter the circumstance? Or are there some exceptions?
As I said initially, I generally comply. I know there probably isn't a legal requirement, but it's a Golden Rule thing as far as I'm concerned.