Nominations for hottest NSX

Lmao it'll be coming soon. I finished Other and Silver tonight which took a lot of time. Saving wide body for last, like 30-40 entries and a ton of crazy cars!!!
I am surprised the polls that have been created have not been requested for them to be STICKIED for a certain amount of time.

I agree - all of them should be "stickied" to the top of the forum for atleast a week or two, whichever is the length of the poll.
I am surprised the polls that have been created have not been requested for them to be STICKIED for a certain amount of time.

The thing is that a lot should have been different. nsxot1c posted polls without my knowledge. I still had 2 requests to wait and probably would have asked Lud for a whole new section dedicated to this on prime. But it has been a long time, and he did put in a lot of time and effort to gather it all up. I appreciate that.

As I said before, think about this as a trial run. To do this right without Lud's help as a moderator on a thread or a new section is very very time consuming. As many of you saw I tried to police the nominations thread and finally gave up. Before you know it, it turns into a "where did you get that part" and "what kind of lip is that" thread. Some guys put in very little effort to put good photos before polling started, then once it is on and votes come in, they start to post pictures on those threads. That shouldn't be either.

You are absolutely right that it should be a temporary sticky (or its own section) because it isn't fair for threads that drop to the bottom while others are bumped. Right now white is up top and some others are way down with 15 posts in between. It becomes diluted, and it really loses its meaning with all these separate random threads mixed into the gallery.

I think a lot of people got angry at me (and many actually yelled at me) for not posting polls sooner and faster, but this is an incredibly time consuming process. There needs to be regulations about current ownership, number of photos, how long polls stay open, etc. Right now cars that are already sold are collecting votes, taking away from current owners. That's not cool, we don't want to be voting on random cars.

To be honest, at first I was a bit upset at nsxot1c for starting the polls without speaking to me, and we definitely had a few PM's go back and forth. He thought because he mentioned it in this thread I would know, but I hadn't checked the thread. We really didn't have communication. But he has put in a lot of time and we should be thankful of him. He's been a big help in organizing them. Once it was out of the bag and he had started to post polls, we decided to let it run as a trial run. If the nominations thread was more organized without random posts in there, it would be much easier to make the polls. Let's just say that some lessons are being learned now, and hopefully we can make it a lot better and more organized in a few months.

I also want to say that I am open to any suggestions. One thought I have had is to have a modification list alongside the cars. What do you guys think about that? should we include that sort of list so people can know? would that affect the voting? Would you want to know if someone has a built 3.5L motor for example? In photos they look the same.

Another thought I have had is giving people the choice to compete in multiple categories. For example if I have a silverstone widebody, I can compete in both rather than to be excluded from one group. There are cars that fall in between. They have rear fenders but stock fronts. See once you are in charge of organizing, you realize how many issues pop up. There are guys that have nominated themselves and posted ONE PHOTO. IMO, they should not be included. You should at a minimum have a front, rear, and side shot. Possibly also an interior shot. We can also add a category for hottest interior, any color. Like I said I am open to suggestions.
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Are these going to be monthly votes for hottest ride? I remember Prime used to have Featured rides on the front page.

In honesty, I never been a fan of voting my own NSX in, if that is the case everyone would vote theirs in making everyone a winner. I think someone else should vote others in as part of a criteria. Isn't that what gets someone recognized. Inspiring rides and creativity whether simple or extreme.

The colors is a great break down for category. I feel if you add to many categories and not keep it as a whole package then you have hottest part of the NSX not the hottest NSX. I agree one rear shot, one engine bay shot, one side profile and a head on to 3/4 shot should be admission once your voted in for the poll threads. A full package for nominees to preview for those to vote.


I commend Dave and Chris taking the time on these!

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Monthly would be ridiculous, it takes months just to gather all the info and get things going. I think annual, or bi-annual at most. Nominating yourself is no big deal. If someone wants in, let them go in. If their car is boring, they won't get that many votes. I know some like to be humble and all, but really, if you think you have a worthwhile car, then put it in. This isn't people magazine's sexiest man and woman issue. It's a car.

I definitely don't think parts should be a category, I just mentioned interior as a whole because I think it is legit. I really would like to know who has the nicest interior and it is the one category all colors are mixed into.

B@T - Do you have a full size hi-res version you can link? I want to make that my new desktop background. :)
Ok... Here's my .02 take it for what it's worth.

First off I'm always very positive, think every NSX is nice in one regard or the other and everyone wins just by owning one.

I know myself for one, as well as many others wanted to see some of these "Hottest" threads come to light and after waiting 8+ months and this thread the "Nominations" thread just completely running rampid, decided to go ahead and comprise some myself. I posted here, notifying anyone who wanted to update more pics and anyone else involved I was going to be making them. And 12 hours later, I produced.

One can say I did them wrong, "alot should have been different" etc etc but bottom line is at least they have been actually comprised and are now there. As people received new shots of their cars and posted, I updated every single one. Also, some cars are super nice and only had one pic in the nominations thread. I did my best with all info/pics present. A few cars, I was able to dig up some more pics, but some cars like 3.5lnsxr I searched and all pics were just under wraps til he pm'd me then posted more.

I have received a ton of positive feedback/pm's/messages from members who are very pleased that I spent the time and that these threads were finally sorted and up and running.

I did my best, and apologize as I posted in each thread if I could have done something different or better. These can absolutely be a "trial run" and we can absolutely use these to make bigger and better, more accurate threads in a few months. I have no problem with that at all. I made these all in good fun, to showcase some of our nicest cars here on prime.

Since the Nominations for hottest NSX thread carried on from 11/16/2011 til 7/26/2012 it was nearly impossible for me to establish who sold their car in that time, had a deposit, thought of selling it, etc etc :biggrin:

To be fair, I had to post every car nominated in that thread (that the pic was still hosted, since some hostings were even taking down in that 8 month time period). Being that other nsxprime members nominated other's cars... it made it impossible to establish current ownership etc.

All in all... IMO only of course, I hope prime enjoys these threads and views them as more of a showcase of all the top cars on Prime, rather than a this car is better than that car because it received more votes.

I put a good amount of my own time to step up and produce them since it seemed like they may never surface.

6 hours after I posted the first few, Turbo2go Pm'd me. I offered to remove every single thread and picture if that's what people want but have received a ton of feedback otherwise. I also offered to pass the torch after I created the first few threads and let him or anyone else take over creating the rest of them.

All in all, I made these threads all in good fun to exemplify some great cars for everyone to see all in each color thread. I for one know myself, am not concerned and never was with any trophy/prize etc etc, although I guess it would be cool.

All cars on prime are nice in their own way and IMO picking 1 single "Hottest" is nearly impossible. As the votes show, everyone has their own opinions and preferences. I will suggest going forward that separating cars by color is a good idea, although I think the colors should be separated by Pop-up headlights and 02+. Also, I do think Widebody cars should not be included in regular color threads. Best of's are a great idea as well. Also going forward, the only way to know if somone currently owns their car is to limit just the owner to nominate their own car. Idk if that's the answer, but probably a more timely "nominations" thread may eliminate any issues there.

Overall, we all love our cars or else we wouldn't be on here.

Hope everyone enjoys the threads.
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One can say I did them wrong, "alot should have been different" etc etc

When I said a lot should have been different, I wasn't pointing a finger at you. I was talking about myself. But you know it's one of those things you just learn as you go. I think having people nominate their own cars is a good idea to establish ownership, and hopefully it will get the "I just can't nominate myself" guys to just do it and not make a big deal about it.

Again, thanks for putting time in, like I said the only thing I wanted different was that you had let me know before just doing this but you thought I knew and that was miscommunication, no big deal. No one has died, and the threads are up, so we just do it even better soon. Thanks for taking the time.

So where are the off colors like strange green and widebody? LOL come on, HURRY UP!!!! :biggrin:
^^ LOL putting the pressure on.

Agreed on all fronts.

Widebody is the only category left and has many entries. Hottest OTHER is aleady up. I have been trying to decide if I could split them into to, say widebody wild and widebody mild but I'm not sure. Or maybe a widebody race/street. But it'll be up soon.

Within not even a week all other 7-8 threads are up and running. So now we're talking.
I was going to take dedicated track car and widebody as two several ecategories. But dedicat track car has only 3 entries. Coz, Robfenn, and f1acr. Every one of the is really good looking too. You want to mix them in with widebody? These are not street legal cars.
And that leaves 2 cars in the dedicated track car thread and 35 in the widebody thread. Maybe race/race inspired widebody and Street widebody.

Any other members have input?
I may be wrong, but I believe Coz's car is registered and on the street as per this thread:

We also have Dimer which I know is a track car, but driven overseas on the road as well. Determining which cars are and aren't registered will be tough as well.

Idk man... The thing is these are TRACK PREPPED cars. These are serious rides, and I don't think a car with a halon system and and a cage or a sequential box should just fall into a "done for looks" widebody. I think this is a mistake. I don't want to have to choose between Vrooms car and Robfenn's car. Lets make them separate categories.

Dimer's car I would put more into the street category. The difference here for me is the cage. One category is going to be coz, Robfenn, and f1acr. And that is going to be tough as hell to choose because all 3 are so well done. But let's keep these 3 separate I say. Vrooom's car almost needs a category of its own, we are throwing a heavyweight into a fight with cruiserweights, and that's going to be a runaway winner. But it makes n sense to make a category with one car in it. Or maybe it does... I don't know. It just sucks when 5 people have beautiful cars, and one happens to be so extremely well done that it pulls all the votes and none of the other 5 win. But maybe that's how it is....
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