no speed limit in montana?

22 April 2003
someone told me that during daylight hour there is no speed limit, or none enforce in montana. Is this true? or are the fines minimal? If so, what a great place to send the cars for a weekend of high speed fun!
missed out on that one! the fines were way cheaper than a day at the track!
Ojas said:
Not for several years... It’s now 75 MPH.
I was driving through there last week in a rental sedan, and its definitely 75 mph (in several areas its 65 mph at night). In practice we were mostly doing 85-90 which given the cool roads and great scenery, is/was sufficient.

Chatting with several locals, part of setting an upper limit had to do with visiting drivers who got "out of hand".
I wonder how strictly this is enforced. Last Summer I drove all the way through (slowing down for cities) at 90mph+ on my way to the Dakotas. I was aware, however, of the 75mph limit.. just remembered driving through years ago with no limit. I don't remember passing by any cops.
I know their OLD law used to be if you were going under 100 MPH, the fine was like $5 bucks for an energy conservation violation or something like that. Over 100MPH was attempted murder..

Then it went to "reasonable and Prudent", which didn't work out I guess. The fastest guy clocked was a BMW @ 146MPH if I recall. Or that is the fastest I read about.

75MPH is still too slow. The speed limits around Savannah are DEATHLY slow.
In any case, I believe you can still get nailed for exceeding the "Federal Maximum" limit of 65 mph. It's up to whomever is on patrol that day and if they have a wild hair up their a$$ :( :( :( :( .
When I bought my NSX in Fargo, ND, back in '97, my trip home to California took me through Montana. I managed to maintain 130mph for about an hour before entering Idaho. I did slow down on upcoming traffic so the speed differential wouldn't be so dramatic. It was a great experience.