No matter were u park

you will see me on here as usual its kinda my only form of social contact
outside of work since Im so busy LOL
question shawn

how would you compare the rack and pinion steering on the 92 compare to the 04 nsx with eps?
I'm surprised you haven't modded that beauty as of yet
Notice the tinted windows and almost tucking tire on the Corolla.... The owner most likely believes his car is as "cool" or "Custom" as your nsx and said "I know this guy wont ding my precious Corolla, I'll park next to him"

Actually I used to do that all the time with my daily driver Lexus. A car that was nice enough to not want get dings, but I could park on the street and not really worry about it. If I saw really nice expensive cars I would park next to them if possible since like you said the chances of them opening their door into your car is slim.
well whats the difference
from 92 manual steering to electric steering of the 04

I like the manual way better, you feel the road, you feel every bump LOL
you feel like you are part of the car almost connected to its soul.

the only time I wish I had the 04 steering is when you are tring to turn the wheel from a dead stop, but you get use to it real quick

all other times it seems the power steering takes away from the driving experience.

and if I drive my 92 then jump in my 04 I find my self oversteering which could be bad in an "Event"

other things, I noticed are

the difference in power the 04 you can feel the power increase over the 92.

the dual clutch on the 92 is way better than the single clutch on the 04
the 04 seems like the clutch is super thin if that makes sense.

since my 92 has a NAVPOD the 04 volume of air from the A/C is 30X greater. with out the NAVPOD.

the 04 smells newer than my 92 lol

the 92 feels lighter in in break neck corners or turns

besides that both are great cars but I prefer the coupe

the targa top is a cool option but I dont need it.

I think if I swapped everything from a 05 in a coupe chassis
it would dominate all other NSX's it handling etc. stock vs stock being the exception
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I hate when idiots park next to you but at least your spots are staggered so there's less risk of a ding (I hope).

I parked my Skyline GTR waaaay out in the middle of nowhere last fall, came back out 20 mins later and find this (sorry for the big pic):

...note the non-clsing gascap, rear rust and bumper damage. Standup car enthusiast for sure :P
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This happens to me too. One time at Costco, I parked all the way in the back of the lot, at an end space, and as far over from the adjacent space as I could.

When I came back, a monster truck SUV parked next to me, and even worse, because I left so much space they actually parked over the line and into my space! I had to back the car out first before my passenger could get in.

One of these days, when I have time, I'd like to wait for the other driver to come back and just ask them: Why?
I visited my Dad last weekend, and he can hardly walk anymore. He uses a cane and I have to help him to the car. I noticed that now when he gets in he has to open the door all the way and uses it with one had to steady himself as he lowers himself into the seat. By putting all of his weight on the door, it moves out even more.....

I use to think that door dings were caused by inconsiderate people. I now know that old people are probably the major source of dings as they do as my father now does and have to put all their weight on a completely open door and are completely clueless to their surroundings. My father has a 1987 Series III Jag painted in Harrods Green (dark silverish green) that has less than 15k miles. He would have an ape shit if someone dinged his car. Yet when we went to lunch I saw him put a big old ding in the POS car next to us when I was helping him get into the passenger seat. And he was completely clueless that he did it. Old age.
^^My father did the same thing recently, and the person was sitting in the car he hit. Luckily, it didn't leave any mark. I said "Did you just hit that car with your door?" He said yup and continued about his way like nothing happened.
(I should say that he's not typically like that. He's had a few minor strokes recently and he's not moving around like he used to.)
I have this parking stuff happen once and a while. Its like geez man you couldnt park one space away from me. I understand they just want a closeup look at my car but give me one buffer space I beg you lol.
Hate when you find an empty spot and come out from lunch to find your car surrounded. :)


At least no one is gonna steal your car. :D And I noticed the police cars are parked more on their side of the space so they're really looking out for you. :wink:
I use to think that door dings were caused by inconsiderate people. I now know that old people are probably the major source of dings as they do as my father now does and have to put all their weight on a completely open door and are completely clueless to their surroundings.

If that is true, then it makes sense to park as far away as possible, as older people probably like to park up close to minimize the amount of walking.

And when I'm older, I'm getting lambo doors! :D
<sigh> Guys, chillax. :smile:

I've had friends park next to my NSX to protect "the cool car" or get a closer look.

Of course, some people park next to the cool car out in the boonies because they're being jerks or playing a joke, but most people just plain don't care. They park where they want and don't give it a second thought.

Just because your car matters to you, doesn't mean that it does to other people, I'm afraid. :rolleyes:

Of course, some people park next to the cool car out in the boonies because they're being jerks or playing a joke, but most people just plain don't care. They park where they want and don't give it a second thought.

Just because your car matters to you, doesn't mean that it does to other people, I'm afraid. :rolleyes:

Yeah unfortunately this is the case. No matter where I park, there is always someone parking there when I come out. It can be really annoying. But that's just what happens.
The funny thing is I park my NSX whereever and never got a ding from other cars yet. Hopefully I didn't jinx myself. But, this is my 2nd NSX and when I bought this one I said to myself I'm going to drive it as much as I can and enjoy it. I won't let worry about anything that may happen until it actually happens. No sense stressing out over nothing.
^^My father did the same thing recently, and the person was sitting in the car he hit. Luckily, it didn't leave any mark. I said "Did you just hit that car with your door?" He said yup and continued about his way like nothing happened.
(I should say that he's not typically like that. He's had a few minor strokes recently and he's not moving around like he used to.)

You dad is the shyt! Lmao! :cool:

We should turn this into a picture thread in the gallery, the pix are hilarious!:biggrin:
I use to think that door dings were caused by inconsiderate people. I now know that old people are probably the major source of dings...
And kids...I noticed that most of the door opening dings in my daily are in the back third of the car behind the front doors which puzzled me until a chap at work was explaining about taking the kids shopping in his new family car and as soon as they arrived the kids opened their doors fully and whacked both cars either side. Not an opps or sorry Dad he said, just a normal occurance.
sigh happens with all my cars... my strategy? try to find parking thats at the corner or protected by pillers or some sort else not park it...
its soo true. i find that Trucks love to park beside me the most :confused:
Maybe the driver wanted to park where there was shade from the trees :)

no matter where you park,
no matter how FAR out you park,
no matter what you do,

you get some POS to park right next to you.

with a million other parking spots available they wanted that one.

today wasnt a great day to begin with but this topped the cake.

