No insurance. No gas for you!

I was watching some stupid show called 'parking wars'
Part of the show is parking enforcement in Jersey who go around and put boots on cars that have over 5 outstanding parking tickets.
The way they do it, they have a camera on the top of their van, and it scans license plates of parked cars for a violation. All the meter maids have to do is drive up and down the street until the computer makes a noise.

Fast forward 10 years and automatic license plate scanning will cross reference your facebook and google music to rank your mood and likelihood for violence today.
Fast forward 10 years and automatic license plate scanning will cross reference your facebook and google music to rank your mood and likelihood for violence today.[/QUOTE]

HAHAHAHA toooooo true!!
You guys are taking it the extreme and i agree there is the possibility for abuse.

BUT, After being hit by TWO uninsured motorists, I like the idea a lot.
You guys are taking it the extreme and i agree there is the possibility for abuse.

BUT, After being hit by TWO uninsured motorists, I like the idea a lot.

This won't stop uninsured motorists. It will only increase the supply of gas on the black market. The government can't stop anything people really want or want to do. Prohibition didn't, illegal drugs are plentiful, illegal gun ownership, etc. 1 out of every 100 citizens in this country are in prison. Welcome to the wild west and Good Luck to all :smile:.
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You guys are taking it the extreme and i agree there is the possibility for abuse.
BUT, After being hit by TWO uninsured motorists, I like the idea a lot.

I don't have a problem with it. I'm surprised cop cars don't have cameras that already do this.
Based on my string of bad luck with migrant workers hitting me sans car insurance I'd like to see enforced where ever these signs are posted and a little further up north.

I don't like the idea of the government co-opting the private property of the station for their own purposes.

it's no different than adding one more regulation, like vapor recovery systems. they'd just make out part of the cost of business in that industry. like the emergency room... you take all comers, regardless.... that is the rule if you have an e.r.
I was watching some stupid show called 'parking wars'
Part of the show is parking enforcement in Jersey who go around and put boots on cars that have over 5 outstanding parking tickets.
The way they do it, they have a camera on the top of their van, and it scans license plates of parked cars for a violation. All the meter maids have to do is drive up and down the street until the computer makes a noise.

Fast forward 10 years and automatic license plate scanning will cross reference your facebook and google music to rank your mood and likelihood for violence today.
We've had a system like this for years here in Calgary. You park your vehicle anywhere on the streets downtown and then go to a vending machine to pay for parking time. You don't need to have a ticket displayed in the car. The 'meter maids' drive vehicles with hi-tech camera/computer equipment that scans plates based upon GPS zones. Tickets issued if you haven't paid to park. You can check it out more here.

Calgary Park Plus system
When I lived in the UK it was not a surprise to turn a corner on a major road way and see my license plate number posted on a digital board and the speed at which I was driving. That also meant I would be receiving a ticket in the mail.

My buddy got a divorce because a speed camera caught him and his girlfriend on a photo, sent the ticket and photo to his house and his wife opened the envelope. He told her he was in Germany on business....
When I lived in the UK it was not a surprise to turn a corner on a major road way and see my license plate number posted on a digital board and the speed at which I was driving. That also meant I would be receiving a ticket in the mail.

My buddy got a divorce because a speed camera caught him and his girlfriend on a photo, sent the ticket and photo to his house and his wife opened the envelope. He told her he was in Germany on business....

That's funny Doug. I remember when Google Maps street view caught a guy taking a leak in his yard in France and he can be seen by everyone. "Gotta Love It!" :biggrin::biggrin:
We've had a system like this for years here in Calgary. You park your vehicle anywhere on the streets downtown and then go to a vending machine to pay for parking time. You don't need to have a ticket displayed in the car. The 'meter maids' drive vehicles with hi-tech camera/computer equipment that scans plates based upon GPS zones. Tickets issued if you haven't paid to park. You can check it out more here.

Calgary Park Plus system

We have the same up here in several areas of Northern VA and in Washington DC.

Also, a lot of our police cars are equipped with cameras that scan tags. But then again, where I live - we have unmarked Mustangs, Corvette's, etc. on patrol. We even have a fully marked Yamaha R1. Fairfax County doesn't screw around.