No F1 in North America!

17 May 2004
London Ontario
don't know where to even begin!?!

Having traveled quite a bit, it's obvious Bernie & Co' are going where the quick & bountiful cash is. Business is business, forget history & legacy, pageantry & nostalgia, and loyalty.

However, what the F1 powers-that-be don't comprehend/understand is that where they are hoppin' to, motor-sports (F1, namely) is a niche' luxury & trendy fad. I believe such myopic thinking & rush to immediate cash (regional gov't kick-backs & exuberant yet short-term corporate generosity) will ultimately be downfall of the very entity.

So much more to say, but it'd be difficult to do so w/o gettin' geo' socio-politico'!

The cliche'd Dubai'size mantra/concept of brand-development/marketing is not how I'd go about such a grande` & global sport. Then again, I may be from a fore-gone era & segment of a demographic that F1 doesn't really care for, anymore!
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