No A/C and at my witts end over it

Briank said:
The next step would be to pull the pin out of the conector body and see what you can see.

This will be my next step if I could figure out how to take the connector apart. Maybe a little help with this one when you get a chance please.
D'Ecosse said:
Or taking the case off and measuring the output directly on the board ......

Yeah, I was working on that, and to make a long story short...I fried the board. Dumb mistake on my part, but it happened so I got another one from Briank. Hopefully he can salvage the other one.

Is there another ground that if it is bad will keep the gry/blk from picking up its ground when the A/C is demanded?
Looked into this today and found that if the Evaproator temp. sensor is disconnected the AC compressor run signal is switched off. This makes sense because they don't want the evaporator to get too cold and ice up.
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Briank said:
Looked into this today and found that if the Evaproator temp. sensor is disconnected the AC compressor run signal is switched off. This makes sense because they don't want the evaporator to get too cold and ice up.

That was it Brian!!!:biggrin: I now have A/C!!! The darn connector was not plugged in for some reason. Zennsx mentioned checking the resistance in the sensor earlier, I guess if I would have looked to that I would have found the thing disconnected earlier and saved all of us some trouble. Who would have ever thought the connector would have been off. I guess the moral of this story is to check all connectors, of all associated components, at the beginning of any troubleshooting. Thanks for all of your patience and help.

All I have to do now is figure out why I only have one condensor fan running, but I will work on that later. I know it's plugged in :tongue: and the fuses are good.
True, true. I am willing to bet the resistence is good