NM Road Runners at NAPA Speedway

4 October 2004
Albuquerque and Santa Fe, NM
Today, 5 New Mexico NSX Road Runners attended High Performance Driving School at NAPA Speedway in Albuquerque. What a blast! Thanks to Spencer Smith (NSX owner and instructor) and to all the instructors of Southwest Motorsports for providing us with driving guidance.

NAPA Speedway is a very technical road course. Plenty of high speed and low speed corners and a couple of straights. Without instruction I would have been all over the place except for the track.

I don't know who was fastest, but I was definitely slowest. I wanted to make sure that all my NSX buddies got to admire my beautiful bumper before passing me! Next time y'all get to eat my dust!

I have to agree. The NAPA folks were great host. The instructors were top notch. Spencer had Bobby on line and running very good lap times in the 1st session. Drew was a 1st timer and caught on real quick.My instructor had me on line within a few laps. I have over 100 laps on this course and as Philippe said it VERY technical 14 turns in 1.7 miles. I had to adjust to it being the 1st time with the Twins(turbos). I was about 15 MPH faster. Will need bigger breaks. Waiting already for the next event. October.
Here are a couple of photos.


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Hey guys,

That was a great time and learning experience. Thanks to Philippe for telling us about this event/class and Don for the insight at the track. You guys are great!
Thanks to SWMS for the class and in car instruction, and to the volunteers that all worked to make this possible.

Previous to this, Philippe and I (me with no track experience and seat time) had tried to attend an open track day. That didn't happen because the Porsche club had reserved the track. Thank goodness because without the knowledge gained from this High performance driving class, I may have made someone crash...or myself.:redface:

I stayed for one more session today (3) and Bobby showed up for a while. Using his stopwatch, I was running an average lap time of 1:44. I don't know where that stands but, not bad.:biggrin:

Lets do it again!!!!

Anyhow, THANKS EVERYONE!!!! Here's a couple pics from my hurting camera...

ditto the above!!! --- looking forward to next time!!!

<img src="http://www.vf2ss.com/transfer/napa_day.jpg" border="0"/>
:eek:75 miles from track to my house...

I got to drive BLACKnFAST also!:eek::eek::eek:..............
Then I offered to sell him my supercharger!:tongue::tongue::tongue:

Ok, Roadrunners! We need to get a track day in for all who are interested. It would be nice to have it oh a Saturday when NAPA has it available and when most of us can make it.
That is not the schedule for June, but maybe we can get out there anyhow...?
After driving the Ferrari and Lambo on only a half track, I feel robbed of the FULL experience. Lets get our NSX's out there and have some fun!!!
Cars and Coffee General Info

Cars and Coffee is always a great time at NAPA Speedway. Come out and test the limits of your car on NAPA Speedway's challenging Road Course. Check back for more info on Cars and Coffee @ NAPA Speedway.

IntroducingSUPERCars and Coffee. This is the standard Cars and Coffee event, but will include on-site Safety crew (Ambulance & Track Workers) as well as extra track personnel. So, bring out those all of those fast cars to test on the Road Course @ NAPA Speedway.

Upcoming Events

June 14 - Cars and Coffee 5PM-9PM. $50
June 16 -SUPERCars and Coffee 8AM-2PM. $75

These two events are on a Friday and on Fathers Day. Not too sure the Dad's wanna get out on Sunday. However it is an early event and you'll be home in time for the BBQ!!!!
^^^So, bring out those all of those fast^^^NSX's!!!
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