NM Desert Fest 2013

3 August 2009
Hello Prime, my name is Omar and I'm one of the organizers for the annual NM Desert Fest Charity event.

For this year's event we are hoping to top the impressive attendance numbers we had from last year.

Last year we had a handful of gorgeous NSX's and this year would love the continued support + more ;-) this year should be even larger than last year's event, and Prime'ers that made it out can attest the great time it was. Its a perfect opportunity to have professional shots of your car taken, and to help out a good cause (this year's event is giving back to the various animal and rescue shelter communities that are in the albuquerque / santa fe / surrounding areas)

here is out FB page (where you can see others that have registered) https://www.facebook.com/events/1395004910712329/

here is our eventbrite page for ticketing: http://nmdesertfest2013.eventbrite.com/

Location: Balloon Fiesta Park , Albuquerque , NM
Address: Address: 5500 Balloon Fiesta Pkwy, Albuquerque, NM 87113
Date: August 3, 2013
Time: 6pm - 10pm

<iframe width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="https://maps.google.com/maps?ie=UTF8&q=balloon+fiesta+park&fb=1&gl=us&hq=balloon+fiesta+park&hnear=0x87220addd309837b:0xc0d3f8ceb8d9f6fd,Albuquerque,+NM&cid=0,0,16385302587539584214&t=m&ll=35.190364,-106.59678&spn=0.016835,0.027466&z=15&iwloc=A&output=embed"></iframe>
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just finished adding links etc to the first post, if we could start having prime'er register that would be great.

here is a sample of what we will be having at our event this year. god bless and thanks again for the continued help and support.

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Sorry to say, I for one can't make it this year. Hope you have a great turn out like last year.
