Nice '91 Black/Ivory, 50K miles car on eBay....I just drove it.

He sure is asking a lot of questions about Nsx's lately. i read through all of his previous posts due to bordom :) I know that when i was shopping for mine the search function was the best tool and i did not ask too many questions until i knew i had the money.

My question to jf308 is, how the hell can you not afford a $20 000 NSX but your last vehicles were a ferrari 308 and 348? i would assume in the U.S. they cost more than an NSX.
Guys, I really do apologize if someone feels that I "wasted" their time....but after three posts in the "Prospective Buyers area", I was a little miffed that someone, and then someone else would start name calling and make accusations (somehow my enthusiasm, and interest to help someone else perhaps was misinterpreted). Never said I was an owner, rather a prospective buyer which you could tell from the original post.

I took my first drive in an NSX only yesterday, so sure, I had alot of questions.
Yes, quite active over the past couple days as I tried to pursue a local car.

"Can't afford" and have decided "not to spend" are entirely different things... I sold my 89 Mondial t cabrio for $40K, so cash is not the issue. Its budget. I've decided to invest in my kids college, and spend less on a weekend toy.
(My budget is an all in $25K, including needs... and yes, I am sure that they are out there in this market).

So, my apologies guys... I just hope that other sincere newbies continue to ask relevant questions and not worry about wasting peoples time.
If I were interested in a car which was listed on eBay, I would most certainly want to have a forum member post about what they experienced, in an open an candid way. Which is what I tried to do.

I will go back to "Search" and reading other peoples more questions from me until I can "afford" to actually buy a car. Then maybe...but will try to ensure that they are relevant and not a waste of my or anyone elses time.

This was not the way that I wanted my NSX search/experience to begin. I guess that is the trouble with forums. You cannot really tell who is serious or not serious from interpreting a couple of posts.

Thanks again all.