
Not sure if you saw this. 2002 silverstone/black, 18k miles, and the sale price was 49,900. ( It was sold in 10 days. You can find a 02-05 in the high 40k range, but definitely not in low-miles-mint condition. You'll have to sacrifice something to get it in your price range. There is a yellow/yellow, 39k miles 02 in Portland, and I know they'll let it go for maybe 47k. But it had a minor accident during its first owner. The second owner is a prime member and has all the service records. However, the repaired fender has a slighter lighter color than the rest of the car. I had to take it indoor and use a flashlight to tell, but it is tiny-bit lighter in color. It also has a Type-R hood, which leave the spare in the trunk. There are also a few 02-05s in the for sale section with a high 40k price, but they're all have high mileage.

There is however, a black 02 for 46k, with only 16k miles. ( That's probably the only one fits your criteria. However, at this price I'd be VERY cautious with the inspection. If you need an autocheck, pm me. I think mine is still available.
Not sure if you saw this. 2002 silverstone/black, 18k miles, and the sale price was 49,900. ( It was sold in 10 days.

Yeah.... I saw this one... was just a little late though...

There is however, a black 02 for 46k, with only 16k miles. ( That's probably the only one fits your criteria. However, at this price I'd be VERY cautious with the inspection. If you need an autocheck, pm me. I think mine is still available.

I've read some threads about this particular car and it has issues. So, I'm gonna pass on this one.

I just bought one with 12k miles. I was lucky, I am not very patient, but over the years I used to be color #1, miles #2 and history I am History #1, Miles #2, and color #3. If you can't get the history of the car then walk away. I bought my third color choice and am very happy with the car. Try to get a non modded car. If you ever decide to sell it in the future it will bring a better price. I found it on autotrader of all places. I paid a fair price..not a steal and not alot. I checked all the websites for a few months. I always wanted one and now am living the dream. It had all the paperwork, all the keys (4) with 2 remotes, cover, and everything was brand new. All I have done is upgrade the headlights and take out the multi cd player and put a usb drive in its place. I can reinstall all stock items in a hour if I ever decide to sell..I hope I will have it for a long time. Be patient and stick to the plan......
I'm in FL. My actual budget is around $50k but hoping I could find one around $45-ish. And you're right it is out of range but I was just curious.

Thanks Jack High!

I think you are going to end up with a much worse car trying to save that 5K. This car is a great bargain at any of these prices. It is rare. It is well built. Spend the extra and get a clean model. You will not be sorry.
If your buying black, hope you've researched detailing your car like "daily". Ask me how I know......

After hearing a lot of times how black gets so dirty, I decided I wouldn't want black. I still like Silver and also considering LBBP now.