newbie question: what's the best way to maximize clutch's timelife?

that is because when your blipping the throttle when your clutch is disengaged, it does not alter the speed of the input shaft. if you blip the throttle in neutral with the clutch engaged, your altering the speed of the whole gear set since a tranny is a constant gear mesh. This does help match the speed from one gear to the next.

I use to rev match the way you described but it never made sense to me on how that would help match the speed of the gears until I learned to this the way I just described.

But if your doing a heel toe downshift and your on the brakes, than you have to do it like that. But the purpose of a heel toe is not to save tranny life, but to prevent that jerk when your braking and downshifting so it won't upset the balance of the car when its about to go into a corner.

Yeah, I knew that part about double-clutching, but why blip in neutral while rev-matching (i.e. while the clutch is disengaged/depressed)? I thought it wouldn't matter when you blip since it is disengaged/depressed the whole time.

I think rev matching is fine for modern cars with synchros.