New Yellow NSX-T owner from Sweden...

I forgot to put up the latest winter pictures... But here they are.. :)



and also av calender picture.. ( I was sure I posted it here on prime, but on the other hand I have memory like a goldfish :D )

Great pics and awesome rims. But could I suggest a slight lowering? I recommend Bilsteins & OEM springs. :smile:
Before I lowered mine, my Honda-friends made a lot of jokes about my "country-kit" NSX...:tongue:
I forgot to put up the latest winter pictures... But here they are.. :)



Gulingen är det bäst färgar. Var är snowen?:biggrin: Jag hoppas min syntex är korrekt. Svensken är mitt fjärde språk (Kines, Engelska, Franska, och Svensk). I am still learning Swedish. For the English speakers: Just asking where's the snow?:wink:

Congrats... Yellow is the best color :wink: :smile:

slamstrom: well, I understand what you are trying to say, but the grammar is a little bit of.. :)
and its called "Var är snön" in Swedish and not "Var är snowen" but besides from that I'm very impressed.. :D

midNight Sun Xpress: Yepp.. It needs a lovering for the esthetics's, but since I use it as a daily ride, I would not be comfortable anymore.. :(

And since we bought a house and need to get some money to renovation, I will have to sell my "baby" in the spring..
Bilsteins & OEM springs is comfortable also for the daily ride, unless your roads are like ours here in the north: one more hole and the surface will be smooth....:tongue: