I drove all day today in New York and Jersey with the phone in my ear. I agree that there should be a penalty if an accident is caused, but I am way against the big brother thing. GET OUT OF MY CAR!
By the way, I witnessed a "legal" head-set guy still driving with one hand and looking at his phone and paperwork. in the other hand.
Another peave of mine is the driver seat belt law. Think about it for a second. You can smoke, drink, and do all sorts of other dangerous things that endanger yourself AND people around you. When has a non-belted driver ever been thrown out of a car in an accident, and "injured" someone as a projectile? It is 100% big brother trying to reduce injury.
While I appreciate and share your aversion to Big Brother, I couldn't disagree with you more strongly.
The fact is that it's far too easy in this great nation of ours to obtain a license. Compare the joke of the licensing process that we have with that of Germany, for example and you'll see what I mean.
The avg. American has no idea what they're doing behind the wheel and doesn't need any more distractions. And as long as this is a democracy (ok, a republic) the majority rules. And by that I mean that no matter how good you are behind the wheel the other 99 idiots around you aren't and when it comes to public safety sometimes the least common denominator is the way to go.
As far as the seat belts are concerned, I liken it to helmets for motorcycle riders. I am not a statistician so I can't quote the numbers for you but the cost to the rest of society is simply way too great to allow you to take the additional risk inherent in not belting up. Nothing more and nothing less.
You (and I'm not using you as an attack on you personally but rather as a insert for Joe Public) might feel that you have the right to be Evel Kanieval and take that risk but I resent having to pay for in terms of increased insurance. Not to mention the sheer cost to society of losing someone who is presumably a benefit to society and a loved one to his/her family.