New to forum, prospective buyer

27 February 2006
I've always liked NSX's and now I'm ready to do the legwork necessary to avoid being stuck with a money pit. First, when did the NSX's switch over to OBD 2 emissions. I can accept certain headaches but not others! What are some probem areas that I need to be aware of and any other pertinent information, or helpful web sites I can got to. I have been a loyal Honda/Acura owner for 20 years. '85 Prelude, '88 Prelude Si, '88 Legend Sedan,and now a '97RL 3.5, so I just want to know what I kinds of things can get me started on this "path of enlightenment" LOL! HOW ABOUT SOME RECOMMENDED PAST POSTS TO GET ME STARTED??

Thanks in advance
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By reading the FAQ section you'll learn just about everything you'll ever want to know. That worked for me and many others. Best wishes in your search.
Use the FAQ & just start reading through the new/prospective owner forum. Check the do it yourself & owners discussion too. Don't be afraid to use the search function within a forum. NSXs are rare & expensive, so you will have plenty of time to observe & learn. It's not like they are for sale everywhere. Good luck and don't rush.