New School Prayer

16 June 2002
For those who have never seen this.

Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule.
For this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd
If Scripture now the class recites,
It violates the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow
Becomes a federal matter now.
Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That's no offense, it's the freedom scene.
The law is specific; the law is precise.,
Prayer spoken aloud is a serious vice.
For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all.
In silence alone we must meditate,
God's name is prohibited by the State.
We're allowed to cuss & dress like freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.
They've outlawed guns; but FIRST the Bible.
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.
We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
And the unwed daddy, our Senior King.
It's "inappropriate" to teach right from wrong
We're taught that such "judgements" do not belong.
We can get our condoms, & birth controls,
Study witchcraft, vampires & totem poles,
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
No word of God must reach this crowd.
It's scary here I must confess,
When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot,
My soul please take.

isnt that the truth, its pretty sad that the world has become so demonic that the light of Jesus is offensive to people.
That's because the Bible has a lot of truth in it which shows who and what we really are to ourselves. No wonder people feel uncomfortable with it.

But thank God for the Bible (pun intended! :D )
Anybody hear the new Pepsi bit? Shortly, they're going to release a can that is "patriotic" has the american flag, Eiffel tower (why? i don't know) and hte Pledge of Allegiance on thing: its missing "Under God". It has alot of religious organizations up in arms apparently, but I'm thinking "Internet Hoax"
567234ta said:
isnt that the truth, its pretty sad that the world has become so demonic that the light of Jesus is offensive to people.

The thing most people seem to forget is that not everyone believes in Jesus. To those who who journey along a different path, it can be very offensive to have "the light of Jesus" constantly shoved down their throats by people who have no respect for other ways of living.

Case in point: I bet there are many people who wouldn't appreciate the implication that choosing not to see "the light of Jesus", and wishing to live without having christianity shoved down their throats are "demonic"
LrdVader said:
The thing most people seem to forget is that not everyone believes in Jesus. To those who who journey along a different path, it can be very offensive to have "the light of Jesus" constantly shoved down their throats by people who have no respect for other ways of living.

Case in point: I bet there are many people who wouldn't appreciate the implication that choosing not to see "the light of Jesus", and wishing to live without having christianity shoved down their throats are "demonic"
their are many ways to the truth, but only because there are so many that are not in the truth.
some have different beliefs then Jesus and the Bible but it doesnt matter to me, to each their own, who am i to say whats right or wrong, anyone shoving anything down someones throat is not a Christian in my book. i see alot of judging going on within the Christian faith, it makes me realize why people have so little respect for it these days. it used to be sacred.
Christians have walked all over the truth because it didnt fit their lifestyles or needs, but the truth hasnt changed.
90% of all the Christians i have met, wait make that 99% dont acceot the truth. Jesus said he was the truth, he will free us from the burdens we have, yet a pastor who is a glutton for foods can preach? may it never be, he is owned by his own desires and cannot overcome them, the truth is always very obvious. i am a true believer in it.
God Bless ya and never let a lie be your friend no matter how many are willing to go along with it.
well said lord vader ;) organised religion is evil, mechanism for social control back in the 'ol days. :)

Ive been in Japan nearly a year now and have two lovely japanese ladies knock on my door (every second month)espousing the virtue of god! how far away do i have to move to get away from these people! j/k and along a similar line,

2nd anecdote, when i first arrived in japan (less than a week) guy(foreigner-no not the band!) on a bike with black suit/tie/goldnamebadge) ask how i was doing, i asked where was "a fun place to hang out and meet some people" he replied with that divine honesty of the easily duped; "church". Japan was the last place i was expecting this, caught me off guard!
Originally posted by T Bolen
"Great prayer - that is the reason I have my daughter in private (Christian) school"

Me too. I fought the public system for years. The stories I could tell would absolutely curl your hair. One particular episode ended up as a topic on a talk radio show.

The public (government) system is doomed.
Funny how that thread has generated about as much interest as a turd in a sugar dish. It does prove the sensativity of this topic and/or the lack of interest.

LrdVader said:
The thing most people seem to forget is that not everyone believes in Jesus. To those who who journey along a different path, it can be very offensive to have "the light of Jesus" constantly shoved down their throats by people who have no respect for other ways of living.

Case in point: I bet there are many people who wouldn't appreciate the implication that choosing not to see "the light of Jesus", and wishing to live without having christianity shoved down their throats are "demonic"

If someone is has tried to shove Jesus down your throat and hasn't got the message "your not interested" they lack maturity on the wittnessing aspect that Jesus brought forth. The term "demonic" is a example that is often mis-understood and is used to a fault around people that can take that term and run wild with it. Because you or whomever else reads this thread doesn't follow " that path" as you call it doesn't make you a demon b/c I assume few on this board personally know you. Sin in ones life is something each and everyone of us are under no matter how religious one proclaims themself to be. No matter what church/spiritual truth (etc) you follow sin never escapes you, me or anyone....its with us as long as we live on this earth. You do have a choice on how to deal with that sin. For some its Jesus, or Christianity.....its important that you understand the that word that was used is not a insult to you, its a general word that is often used in a context of the world we live in a what influence is controlling it.

In short someone like myself is often sick of being judged as a Bible thumper, Jesus freak or the often used term thats a classic "oh he's religious". I look at this world we live in that the apostile Paul said "every man does what is right in his own eyes" and know that he is right on. No authority, morality is a joke and issues of eternity and real truth are brushed under the carpet because its offensive and we don't want to hear about it. The TV/radio is a joke & Organized religion is a joke b/c it appears hypocritical and often is when its leaders screw up and say foolish things. The honest people that are really trying to do what is right and representative of most church bodies are never seen by the media b/c its not good dirt that perks up the ears. Don't judge the many for just the few. I and countless #'s are just like everyone else, were sinners too, we just did something and/or follow a different path or try too anyway.