New Purchase - Drive or Ship?

8 May 2009
I am buying a low mileage (25k) '95 NSX. It has not had the timing belt/water pump changed. It's about 800 miles from my home. I'd like to drive it home. How big a risk am I taking if I do so? (I will be doing the 60/90k maintenance as soon as I get it home.)

Drive it home. You will learn more about your NSX......

Drive it home. You will learn more about your NSX......

Yeah, like how much a new engine costs if your luck isn't so good. The timing belt should've been replaced twice already. I guess you're the only one that can decide if you want to take that risk.
Can you have the timing belt done before the drive?

If not, IMHO, I would NOT drive it home.
If thats the original belt, then I would ship the car. Dont take any chances of the water pump siezing up and breaking the timing belt...or you could be sourcing a new engine.
Valid question.You are considering driving a car about 3% of its total miles to date in one shot on 14 yo rubber parts......I'd ship it.
Why not arrange for a local Acura dealership to replace the TB/WP and then drive it back?

For the price you are going to pay for shipping the car, it would likely pay for a good part of the job. Also, the first drive back would be a nice way to enjoy your new toy :)

I'm on my 2nd NSX and remember both drives home were memorable (600 miles and 400 miles).


Change the parts -- you have to anyway, and then drive it home. Take a very small suitcase with you if you are not planning on driving it non-stop. The trunk is small.

Why not arrange for a local Acura dealership to replace the TB/WP and then drive it back?

For the price you are going to pay for shipping the car, it would likely pay for a good part of the job. Also, the first drive back would be a nice way to enjoy your new toy :)

I'm on my 2nd NSX and remember both drives home were memorable (600 miles and 400 miles).

Good idea.
I've changed 2 timing belts on 2 NSX's one at 60 K, the other at 100 K. Both looked pristine when the tech's showed them 2 me. I'm betting you'd be fine to drive it you feel lucky?
actually, I like Bill C's advice.:wink:
I've changed 2 timing belts on 2 NSX's one at 60 K, the other at 100 K. Both looked pristine when the tech's showed them 2 me.

Im going to say this for like the 100th time on this forum. You can't tell ANYTHING from merely looking at a timing belt.
I havent seen anyone mention this but make sure you have someone qualified to do the job of changing the timing belt and pump and while there in there you might want to have the hoses changed as well as all the fluids
Where is the car located. I wouldnt take it to a stealership but rather a highly recommended shop around where the car is at. You should then drive it home greatest feeling ever
It cost me about $1,600.00 to ship my car from New York to Missouri.

It cost me about $2,300.00 for the timing belt/ water pump and 60K service.

Service then drive would be fun and a money saver if you could find the right service center.
I just drove a '91 3500 km (2200 miles) this week. But it's had its timing belt and water pump replaced. Found out a lot about the car on the drive, like how fast the rear tires wear out and that the radio now needs to be fixed.

Tough call, i'd get the belt and pump replaced, then drive it. You'll learn a lot about the car like that.
I had a similar delema.... ship or drive about 1,200 miles.
The car had 38,500 miles on it, BUT it did have receits for the tb/wp change.
SO, I didn't have the worries there.

The suggestion to have a local qualified shop replace the tb/wp and hoses sounds wise. You will have the expense anyway and it would save you the cost of shipping.

Not to mention the worries about damage in shipping. I know several people who had their cars damaged in the shipping process. And if you are goig to have covered/enclosed shipping the cost really goes up.

I enjoyed the ride home... it was great. The beginning of every time, getting in it, and taking it for a drive is always great.

As long as you plan on taking it easy, you could more than likely make it home with no problems.. BUT you would sure regret it if for some reason it didn't.

Enjoy the car...
I was in the same boat, though higher miles... I drove mine, but kept the RPM's down below 5000 after the initial test drives etc (figured if it blew while the owner was still IN it, we could work on that...)

Are the chances of it breaking high? Not really...

Is it expensive if it DOES? Yes...

In the end, I'd take the suggestion of having a good shop repair it, THEN drive it home. Save a LOT of $$ in the long run!!

I mean, basically it's like saying "should I spend $1500 now so I can spend $2500 in a week, or should i just spend $2500 now and keep the $1500 in my pocket?"

What did you decide? (The shippers did several miles of joy riding in mine while it was being shipped across the US from Boston to Silicon Valley).

Now that's a reassuring story. :wink:


It cost the shipper $50/mile that they drove it. They apparently though that I had not recorded the initial mileage. I do the same whenever I drop it anywhere for servicing. Ask if it will be driven, and then how far. I then let them know how much extra miles cost.

It cost me about $1,600.00 to ship my car from New York to Missouri.

It cost me about $2,300.00 for the timing belt/ water pump and 60K service.

Service then drive would be fun and a money saver if you could find the right service center.
