New pics... whatcha think?

Very nice........BOTH of them! :D

This pic makes it look like your car is a 1/24 scale model. :D

spyderplayer2002 said:
Those are some fatass rear tires on the sebring. Both cars look excellent.

295... very nice... :smile:

thanks for the compliments :)

What is different about the front turn signal lights on your car VB? I can't seem to figure it out, but they look strange somehow.... cleared? tinted? bad eyes?
MJK said:
What is different about the front turn signal lights on your car VB? I can't seem to figure it out, but they look strange somehow.... cleared? tinted? bad eyes?

bad eyes... take the sunglasses off :cool:


amazing you noticed.... slightly tinted on the inside with silver... dulls the lens to blend into the car

don't like the regular lens.
