New Owner

16 October 2006
Frisco, TX
Well, I bought Brandee's NSX a few days ago... (

I'm loving it, and driving it home from San Fran to Dallas. I'm documenting the journey if anyone cares to see the photos and stuff:

Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -

Hope you enjoy it as much as I've been!


My blog ==>
Welcome to the club John and thanks for the write-up! After reading your blog of the journey so far and looking at the photos I almost feel like I've been on a road trip myself. My parents are currently in the US so I've been receiving a string of postcards from them from that part of the world - Utah, Arizona, New Mexico & Texas - so it's hitting me from all directions.

Hope you continue for a long time to enjoy the thrill of owning a car that makes flying such a boring way to cover long distances :) It sounds like you found yourself a winner.
Thanks for the responses guys. There are a lot of things that I didn't write in the blog because I either don't think people will want me to ramble on about them or I don't quite know how to express myself to someone who doesn't own one.

First, I've owned quite a few cars but I have no memory of ever driving anything that holistically feels like the NSX. The combination of power, ride quality, looks and handling are unique and I don't think it can be described... it must be experienced.

Second, the sounds the engine make are beautiful. How do they build something that is so quiet normally, but makes such awesome noise under throttle?

Thirdly, I am overwhelmed by the general response of the general public when they see the car. I guess I expected to get a few nods or comments occasionally, but it's been crazy! People driving down the road gravitate towards it, people stop in parking lots to watch it pass by. And people just approach me and strike up conversations at random. Is this just a string of unusual circumstances, or is this the normal life of living with an NSX?

Anyway, the car has exceeded every dream I had for it so far and I'm glad to now be a member. :-)

Take care,

Your car looks great! It sounds like you had a good trip.

I drove my NSX across the country twice, most recently from Las Vegas to Austin. It is surprising how comfortable the NSX is on long trips.
You got a nice looking car. Do you write for a living? It's like a mini series and i can't wait for part 4. :smile:

I just bought my 95 Red/Tan at the beginning of October. We have a couple of things kind of in common. First, one of my stepsons is a Manager at Bubba Gumps Pier 39, tall guy (6'-4") with short graying hair. Second, I bought my NSX from a guy in Bakersfield, CA.


Enjoy your car!
comtec said:
You got a nice looking car. Do you write for a living? It's like a mini series and i can't wait for part 4. :smile:
Well, I wouldn't say I write for a living, but I do write often. :-) I do my as a kind of public journal. When I run across interesting stuff or something cool happens I try to share it.

At this point I feel like I could make a little series out of the NSX, but alas I think my regular subscribers who are not NSX owners (which would probably be 100% unless one of you guys subscribes to my blog) might get a little bored after a while. :-)

I am however thinking about trying to find a way to mount a camcorder to the vehicle and try to get some cool moving footage in case anyone has any ideas...

I love the fact that you had a comp room upgrade in Vegas!

Welcome to the club. If you haven't been directed to check out the NSX Club of America. It's certainly worth it!

swbatte said:
I love the fact that you had a comp room upgrade in Vegas!

swbatte said:
Welcome to the club. If you haven't been directed to check out the NSX Club of America. It's certainly worth it!
I had seen the site before, but with the exception of the newsletter and the annual get together I didn't see much else going on there... I probably won't be making it to the annual thing, and quarterly newsletters just didn't seem worth $40.

Am I missing something?

The NSXCA supports a lot of local events that they don't necessarily advertise on the website. In general it's the largest NSX support organization out there.

Almost all of the gurus you'll find online here at Prime are in the leadership of the club to. I guess for me, it's 2/3 the price of an oil change and I get quite a bit out of the newsletters and events.

It's definitely a personal choice, but I like to support it, because they support us.
Congrats on your new ride. I enjoyed reading about your trip. I reminded me of my trip from Denver to San Diego. I stopped at Arches Natl Park and Las Vegas on the way back.

Enjoy it :smile:
Congrats on your new ride. I just bought my 91 w/40k in Sacramento and drove back to Louisiana, What a trip it was. Enjoy.