NEW (old) NSX factory video

I have the complete video if it's the one in J A Panese on my You Tube e-mail. A friend in the UK sent it to me.
If it's the same one i'd be glad to post it if you can tell me how to do it. I'm a complete computer idiot.

Maybe you can email it to Oscar Driver?

It sounds like I do not have this video. That is shocking to me.

So I got to have it.

I am not sure how much space I can host on my site. But I may be able to host it on my site.

If anyone has it they can get access to one of my laptops here and upload it to that one and then I could upload it so everybody could get it.

Let me know if that is something somebody would be willing to do with Teamviewer

u can upload the video to an online server for free

i use:

just open a free account. upload and pls give us the link