New NSX passenger

29 October 2004
San Diego, CA (formerly Portland, TX)
Today my second daughter has entered my life. Sophia weighed in at 7 lbs 9 oz. and is 19 inches long.
Since I have always told my first daughter my NSX will be hers someday, I need a second NSX for my second. I don't think my wife would sign off on a second generation let alone another 1st gen.
Oh the problems of a first world life.

My wife says that when my daughter was born 15 years ago, the first thing I did was promise her a car. I guess enthusiasts are a "special" breed...
congratulation.....funny how some couples only create one sex...we have two boys.
Congratulations! If a second NSX is out of the question, maybe it's time to consider an S2000! :smile:
HaHa. Are you going to try for a 3rd, to confirm your theory?

sadly we have been for many years.....but our advancing ages likely have played a role
Congratulations on your baby girl!
I, too, promised my daughter that she could have my yellow widebody NSX. Alas, I sold it last year, so now she has dibs on my silver one (and she proclaimed that since she's now taking the silver, my son can have the Gemballa 911 Turbo).
Congrats. I never understood when friends of mine said there is a different bond with daughters and sons. Having twins of each sex accomplished that very easily for me. The funny thing is, my son loves learning about cars, and not so much going in my Lotus. My daughter on the other hand, loves going in the Lotus and asks me questions about shifting and the exhaust. Gotta love a girl who is into cars. :D