New NSX Just Got Totaled

27 August 2004
Boulder, Co
The NSX just got totaled. A lady was speeding and ran a 4 way stop and...totaly crushed it. She was in a toyota 4runner and her car pushed mine across the road and onto the sidewalk. Her car partialy was ontop of mine. Im ok, but really shaken up and Im very sad. Im lucky to be alive though and if i had a passenger they would have been dead. The I had the car for less than a day. Edit: Here is a picture:

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I guess I won't be driving mine in Boulder anymore!! :eek: :eek:

But seriously, that's a real shame - I'm glad you escaped any serious injury.

Damn glad that you are not hurt. :eek:

Guess it is out looking for a new NSX then?

Thank goodness you are OK. I really believe in the relative safety of our cars and in Honda engineers. Your car and the engineers behind it probably saved you from injuries or worse.

In that respect you are very lucky. Now aren't you glad you didn't buy that Miata?

As much as I love my NSX and I would be bummed if something happened to it - people are the only thing that matter and you will have another car soon.

Chin up / so glad to see you are OK.
Holy cow!! :eek:

Were any tickets issued in this accident? What did the lady have to say about why she blew through a sign and almost killed you?? :mad:
No tickets issued :mad: there were no witnesses and the stupid lady lied and said she stopped (ya right) so I guess there is no evidence. BUT the cop said in 16 years of investigating accedents she said it was obvious that the lady was speeding and ran the sign because of the massive damage and how far my car was pushed. My insurance company will likley take this to civil court where the officer said she would testify aginced the other driver. In the mean time, Im looking for another red or black NSX. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise and Ill get the t top i always wanted :) Ill post pics monday of my ruined car.
Omg dude that sucks so much. It is a good thing ur ok. Good luck finding a new nsx. I hope ur behind the wheel again as soon as possible!
Wow! That really sucks but the most important thing is that you are okay. I can't believe this happened right after you bought that car and it's really disgusting how the lady that hit you would lie about it. It's a good thing that the officer who responded to the scene will testify against the other driver. Make sure you have plenty of pictures to show the extent of the damage as it might help.
Dude, so sorry to hear about that. I can't imagine that happening anytime regardless of when I got the car.
Hopefully the truth will come out. Best of luck and thank God you are alright and lived to tell about it.
Bummer bro,
lady in a truck huh that sounds very familiar. One time this lady made a lane change in her van and almost ran me over, and then she had the audacity to blame on my car for being too low; can you believe it? Anyways hope things work out well for you, and glad that you didn't sustain any serious injuries.
Wolf. said:
there were no witnesses and the stupid lady lied and said she stopped (ya right) so I guess there is no evidence.
Not true. If she had a stop sign and you didn't, she was required to stop and wait for traffic in your direction to clear before proceeding. It doesn't matter whether she claimed that she stopped or not; the accident is still clearly her fault, even if she did not stop. That IS evidence. And the fact that she admitted she was traveling in the direction in which she had a stop is an admission of guilt.

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer.

EDIT: I said "If she had a stop sign and you didn't", and forgot you stated it was a 4-way stop. In the case of a four-way stop, the above does not apply. I apologize for the distraction. Good luck with your case.
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Glad you OK, that must have been scary. Good luck in your search for another and settlement of the insurance nightmare.
I'll ask about the hat trick. Woman + SUV +cellphone ??? If she didn't blow the stop sign, how does she explain being on top of your car and pushing it onto the sidewalk? Surely there must be scrape marks showing how your car was pushed that would indicate how fast she was going if measured?
its only obvious it was her fault, if she did come to a stop at most she could of hit you is only at 10-15mph, that wouldn't be enough to push you into a sidewalk and be on top of your car.
Yea your right about the hat trick lol. She was on a cell phone, the only problem is that cell phone use isnt illegal here. Also it was a 4 way stop. It still kinda of seems like a dream. I mean I purchaced that car and not even 24 hours after i bought it its now gone from my life. I drove it a total of 3 times. Things are looking up though, I wasnt injured, no one was riding with me, and it looks as if im getting a new NSX-T in the near future :D
Wolf. said:
Yea your right about the hat trick lol. She was on a cell phone, the only problem is that cell phone use isnt illegal here.
First time I have heard that phrase, but it sure fits. Triple Threat works too. :D Glad you weren't harmed. If she was on the cell phone, even though it isn't illeagal, maybe a cell phone record might at least help point out the possibility that she might not have been able to accurately describe what was in fact was going on at the time. We know that it's much harder to drive while you have a cell phone to your ear. All things equal, I'll take the recap of an accident from the person who was not on a cell phone at the time.

Sorry to hear about the car. :(
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1) Sorry, glad u r OK- could have been alot worse, obviously.
2) How long before your car gets bought salvage and shows up on Ebay :rolleyes:
First off, very very sorry to hear about your accident. Now, I hope to God you fight this case with all you got. Common sense is already on your side. Plus, her cell phone record showing that she was using the cell phone at the time of the accident should be admissable in court as evidence I believe. This should throw the ball in your court!

Secondly, I hope you sue the crap out of her for lying. People like this should not only be found guily, but convicted for lying on top of running the stop sign. If you can't tell, your situation really touches a nerve! I sincerely wish you the best!

Best regards,
- Z

disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer either.
Glad to hear you are OK! That sure stinks about the car, but it sounds as if all will work out equitably. Good luck in the search on the next NSX. Please do post the Vin of your old one.