New NSX Info

Also on leftlanenews.
The rear 3/4 view of the grey example is gorgeous...but the grill is...well, Honda has to absolutely nail the grill aesthetics. IMHO, it sets the tone for the rest of the car. And the grill on they grey example is a yawner.
hmm...I swear I've seen this picture before...It's probably just my imagination.

hmm...I swear I've seen this picture before...It's probably just my imagination.


You're da man. The first one on the internet to spot this. Other than possibly the Mercedes board... who probably doesn't even know that the NSX pic exists anyway.

They probably don't care what the Japs are doing anyway.
A couple of renderings I found online.


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Thanks, I'm surprised no one else on the interwebs realized this.

The "experts" on Autoblog, FinalGear and all claim the image to be legitimate.

The angles and proportions of the cutaway are completely off. It has to be the most amateurish cutaway/illustration I've seen in a long time.

Apparently it's creator can't be bothered to change a single pixel of the windshield wipers.

It's laughable that a somewhat half-assed photoshop can dupe so many people, even writers of "respected" automotive websites.
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The profile of this design always ruined it for me. The back was always distinctive enough from what's out there while being somewhat reminiscent of the current NSX rear, and the front was really aggressive, also capturing the lines of the current NSX; BUT the fierce forward stance was completely lost with the new engine placement, and the result was the ever popular water trough bathtub look.

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What if they would just extend the canopy glass forward over the hood, reflecting the heart of the original fighter jet concept of the NSX?

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so what if the dash is as long as the olds silhouette...and put a couple radiators in the back to give us back our vestigial yet fully functional side intakes...

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has a little raptor action...
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I cant wait to see the aftermarket for this car!

It'll turn the people that hate it into lovers of it!!! Just like every other NEW body that comes out.

Who recalls the "New" Civic SI when it came out in 99 and how many people hated them? Few years later, aftermarket picked up and that car grew on EVERYone. :rolleyes:
Just wondering some more about the shoulda, woulda, coulda for this retired design. The sign says "Please Do Not Touch" on the floor model, and as the saying goes, rules were meant to be broken. Having a long windshield that goes over the hood with a FF, FR or whatever to stay away from the reclining zoot suit stance it breaking one.
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LOL So many of us got ridiculed for saying the ASCC looked great in person when we saw it at the NAIAS:biggrin:

I think the initial shock that it was FR really turned people off from a car that is very nice in person.
LOL So many of us got ridiculed for saying the ASCC looked great in person when we saw it at the NAIAS:biggrin:

I think the initial shock that it was FR really turned people off from a car that is very nice in person.

It still reminds me of a futuristic Pontiac Firebird.
The reason these pics look better is because they are close up where one gets to focus in on design details. Japanese designs typically do a good job on design details.

However, If one steps back and look at the vehicle as a whole entity, the design falls apart and proportions and theme elements are not inspiring.

This design belongs in the garbage can and it does look like a Pontiac Firebird.