NEW NSX, Do you think its an Exotic or simply a SPORTS CAR?

Is the Concept an Exotic or Sports car?

  • Exotic all the way...

    Votes: 45 45.0%
  • Sports car.....

    Votes: 38 38.0%
  • I would need to see it in person to decide...

    Votes: 17 17.0%

  • Total voters
You sound upset
Did It help Getting your frustration out on me?

Ps. It's a public forum and everyone is entitled to to their opinion just as I was to mine...directly attacking someone is childish and unprofessional


I am not against you having your own opinion, but you made a statement saying, now "does the average person/average car enthusiast believe the nsx is an exotic"? But before that it's who freaking cares? Sounds like a paradox to me. So they cancel each other out, but somehow still retain negative energy.

I was not attacking you directly, but using that statement as a general illustration for bad reasons to purchase a car. If I have to explain further why it is a bad reason, then let me know and I will elaborate. It's just internet posting though, so you should not take it too seriously :tongue:

Threads like this that beat the dead horse only allow more festering of trolls like MoreRPM. I admire the willpower (or perhaps it's actually boredom), and sometimes it can be quite entertaining, but the results of the poll should speak for themselves as this is the average of peers with similar interests.

MoreRPM believes his definition and logic is fact, but in fact, time changes and so do definitions.
Threads like this that beat the dead horse only allow more festering of trolls like MoreRPM. I admire the willpower (or perhaps it's actually boredom), and sometimes it can be quite entertaining, but the results of the poll should speak for themselves as this is the average of peers with similar interests.

MoreRPM believes his definition and logic is fact, but in fact, time changes and so do definitions.
Hey genius, the subject (and poll) of this thread is about the current car...the one at the Detroit show, not about the last one.

It's pretty idiotic that I have to defend myself because a certain ignoramus (who admittedly, changes definitions of words to suit his fanboy-dom) likes to throw out baseless allegations. See, what was a spade hundreds of years ago remains a spade to this day; it doesn't change because illogical people like you decided to distort the definition of it. Let's all amend the banal Mitsu 3000 to a now exotic - because we must all march to the beat of the misinformed. It's that same "thinking" that labels the Corvette - the first fiberglass car - an exotic. Somebody's twisting and distorting FACTS - better look in the mirror.

Your sig actually describes boredom to a T. lol Mock Monroney stickers. Quick, get on the blower to Barrett Jackson and start cranking out fake stickers for all the collector station wagons around the world from your mom's basement computer.

I followed the NSX's development, was at the '89 debut in Chicago, went to see the car the day the local dealer put it on their showroom floor, and drove a new first MY car. Where were you ten years AFTER that? Like you said before - playing videogames and pleasuring yourself to Stop playing on the computer and liberally tossing around the troll moniker, dweeberella.
" use your money to find professional help, because you may have serious compensation issues"

Ok maybe I am not smart as you since English is a second language to me but I have feeling the above statement IS a personal attack.

PS. I can assure you If I wanted to impress anyone but myself i would have purchased a Ferrari/Lamborghini ect
However, I choose to relieve my high shool years and that is why I drive the cars as I do.

I am not against you having your own opinion, but you made a statement saying, now "does the average person/average car enthusiast believe the nsx is an exotic"? But before that it's who freaking cares? Sounds like a paradox to me. So they cancel each other out, but somehow still retain negative energy.

I was not attacking you directly, but using that statement as a general illustration for bad reasons to purchase a car. If I have to explain further why it is a bad reason, then let me know and I will elaborate. It's just internet posting though, so you should not take it too seriously :tongue:

Threads like this that beat the dead horse only allow more festering of trolls like MoreRPM. I admire the willpower (or perhaps it's actually boredom), and sometimes it can be quite entertaining, but the results of the poll should speak for themselves as this is the average of peers with similar interests.

MoreRPM believes his definition and logic is fact, but in fact, time changes and so do definitions.
"Ok maybe I am not smart as you since English is a second language to me but I have feeling the above statement IS a personal attack.

PS. I can assure you If I wanted to impress anyone but myself i would have purchased a Ferrari/Lamborghini ect
However, I choose to relieve my high shool years and that is why I drive the cars as I do.

English is my second language too. There is nothing wrong with getting professional help or reliving high for all of that matter (I think we all do one time or another).

That statement was not a personal attack and I apologize if you feel it is. It's me making a blanket statement and a rather poor joke with the placement of an "if" at the very beginning. Perhaps a :wink: or :rolleyes: at he end of the sentence would have conveyed my seriousness better

I do not know you or 99% of the people on Prime personally, so I could not make a personal judgement about anyone up here - just internet teases that are generally not politically correct.

I voted the new one is exotic BTW to keep this post in context. It's nice to see the majority thinks so too.