Keep in mind that there are less than 250 NSX's produced PER YEAR these days (for years now), so Ken is correct.
Maybe people can point out one or two MASSIVE dealers that had more than 2 NSXs, but lets not split hairs. At less than 250 cars for the year and around 258 dealerships, most dealers will not see more than a couple at a time and many probably see 0.
To the questions
2) Yes, but not at the 04 price point
3) No
4) STRONGEST No possible... there are more Ferrari 355s than NSXs
Be careful with a new car unless you plan to keep it. I just took a pretty bad depreciation hit on my 03 and had to twist arms to get $61k on a dealer trade (it was an auto... 6 speed would have fectched another $2k)
Maybe people can point out one or two MASSIVE dealers that had more than 2 NSXs, but lets not split hairs. At less than 250 cars for the year and around 258 dealerships, most dealers will not see more than a couple at a time and many probably see 0.
To the questions
2) Yes, but not at the 04 price point
3) No
4) STRONGEST No possible... there are more Ferrari 355s than NSXs
Be careful with a new car unless you plan to keep it. I just took a pretty bad depreciation hit on my 03 and had to twist arms to get $61k on a dealer trade (it was an auto... 6 speed would have fectched another $2k)