New Member with a new 2004 NSX Price Question...

14 August 2004
First of all, I would like to thank anyone that would take the time to render advice or guide me in the right direction.

I am searching for a 2004 NSX, and have managed to find one at a local dealership. The problem is this:

I have no clue as to what it is worth, I do not want to be overcharged, so I thought I would state this and see if I could get some responses or maybe some guidance.

I currently reside in Florida, and am willing to travel if viable in Florida to pick one up if it would save me money.

Here are some pictures of the local NSX, it is a 2003 with 92 miles, and they want $79k plus for it. Maybe it is a good price, maybe not? The price did not move me however, maybe I just do not know the value of the car. Although, let me be clear, I love the aesthetics of the car.

Any advice on a 2004?

NSX 001.jpg

NSX 002.jpg

NSX 003.jpg

NSX 004.jpg

NSX 005.jpg

NSX 006.jpg

NSX 007.jpg

NSX 008.jpg
These cars are listed for 89K new...if this is the color that you like I would say any price between 71K-75K should be a very good buy.
Is the car being sitting at the dealer for sometime?
Bram, yes apparently it has been. As best as I was able to gather it has been there for almost 5 months.

And the color yellow is my favorite, but, I want to check with more experienced owners on this site to make sure.
I got my 03 silverstone-t in nov 03 for 77k plus:D It had 43 miles - no joy rides;)
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Is it an 03 or an 04? You mentioned both years in your post. If it's an 04 for $79K with less than 100 miles, I would go for it if you enjoy the yellow.
I don't believe there was any changes for 2004 other than body coloured leather (?) so you're not really gaining anything by going with an 04 if this is the 03 you like
Ok, thanks a lot guys. This particular car was an 03, however, there are 85 miles on it from the sales manager having a little fun with it, and a few demo rides from the manager's "friends"

While this may not be an issue with some people, it concerns me just slightly given that this car is in excess of $85k when it is all said and done.
Be cautious of dealerships who hold only one car. I work for a small Dodge dealership and we house an SRT-10 Ram listing it for 10K over the listed MSRP.

Yep, 57K for an SRT-10 pickup truck is ridiculous, I compared it with the inventories of other dealers who hold more then one SRT-10 Ram and their prices are a lot more desireble.

Try to find a dealer who has at least 5 cars in the inventory. This will assure that even if the car is in Seattle Washington you'll save at least 5K even after you fly to see the car and have it delivered in an enclosed transport medium.

Good Luck
Acura dealers need to provide their local zone office with a signed buyers order before they can even order an NSX. Not many dealers stock these cars mostly because the buyers of these vehicles want exactly what they want and usually will not settle for a second color choice.
I agree with 71-75k since it is on 03 and has been sitting there for many months. Do they still have that great leasing option?
Not sure about the lease option. I just want to pay the cash on it, and get out of there if you know what I mean. I guess another question I have is concerning South Florida. The further south you drive the more exotic dealerships pop up. So I had thought that their might be a dealership further south with multiple options, and maybe wanting to offer as good of a price or better, but without the 80 to 90 miles of demo rides on it.
The 90 odd miles would not really concern me as long as there is no visible wear on the car. After all Acura is providing a warranty that covers the whole car.

As far as it being a '03 or '04, that makes a difference to me as it is 1 year older as an '03 and gives you some buying leverage. I too agree that something in the low 70s is a good deal.

I like the yellow exterior but dislike the yellow interior on the new ones. (What the hell was Acura thinking?)

Good luck and negotiate well.
try Tampa

From the tag frame it looks like that one is in Jacksonville. I think Ferman Acura in Tampa has a yellow '03 - at least they did a couple of months ago. Give them a call.

web site here
Thanks T Bolen, will give it a shot. On another note, if I may ask? How does everyone feel about the following questions:

And thanks to anyone that answers.

1. Curb Appeal: is the NSX still a head turner?

2. Power to weight ratio, on the six speed how does the car pull its own weight?

3. Would you buy again?

4. Are they saturated in your opinion. Is there one around every corner.

I ask, merely to get your opinions, and I respect your opinions, and thank you for your time.
Avante said:
Thanks T Bolen, will give it a shot. On another note, if I may ask? How does everyone feel about the following questions:

And thanks to anyone that answers.

1. Curb Appeal: is the NSX still a head turner? Yes

2. Power to weight ratio, on the six speed how does the car pull its own weight? I own a 5 speed '95, and it is great - the 6 speed is better. Drive one!

3. Would you buy again? Yes, yes and yes!

4. Are they saturated in your opinion. Is there one around every corner. Not at all - look at the production numbers!

I ask, merely to get your opinions, and I respect your opinions, and thank you for your time.

In my opinion, your only concern is if you want to take the depreciation hit on a new one. Many people want a new car for peace of mind. The '97 and later NSX's are the same car performance wise, and a '97 would cost you a little over half what a new one will. $45-$55k will get it done.
"4. Are they saturated in your opinion. Is there one around every corner."

are you kidding, even after 10+ years of production...there are still fewer NSX's than the first year production of RX8's. This is why I have an NSX. :D :D :D

who else has a hand assembled car of this level for 89K:eek:
Srce said:
Be cautious of dealerships who hold only one car.
Try to find a dealer who has at least 5 cars in the inventory
...and you'll be unsuccessful. There isn't a single dealer in the country with 5 new NSXs in inventory. Heck, I bet there isn't a single dealer with more than 2, and it wouldn't surprise me if there weren't any of THEM, either.
Niello Acura (Sacremento, CA)usually has than 2.
When I got mine they had:
1 new silverstone 2002 for 76k
1 new silverstone 2003 for 85k
1 new black 2004 for 89k
and one more on the way.

I have been told they are one of the dealers that can have more than one NSX at a time.
Not many "new" ones around!!

A couple of weeks ago Greenwich Acura (supposedly the largest NSX dealer in the country) had 4 of them, now not a one. In February of 03 I picked up my new yellow 02 NSX at a cap cost price of 74k, with the Cd changer and remote entry, so to pick up an 03 at this time, you should be comparable. HTH, best of luck and FYI, who cares what other people think as far as is it a head turner, etc.... If it turns your head, you want it, can afford it, than go for it, I for one haven't regretted a minute of ownership. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Avante, if you don't need to "have-it-right-now", something else you might want to consider is the HSC when it comes out in a year and a half or so. Read up on the HSC thread if you have not done so, it might end up saving you $30k to $40k.
Oh trust me, the HSC is what brought me here. That is one very nice looking automobile. But I have read so many conflicting stories about it, I do not know what to believe.

It is coming out, then its not, its coming out in 05, then 07. Its 350hp, then its 400NA. I would just be happy to know that its coming out at a firm date, and that Honda has stuck to a certain body style and power level etc.

Any thoughts since we are on this subject? Or shoud I paradigm over to the HSC thread :D

Got my 04 in Feb, with cap cost of 83K, never look back and not worry about HSC.

There will alway be something better in the horizon, I for one will not wait.

Therefore, I had enjoy many miles and a few events with fellow NSXPrime member.

Thanks for the reply awsomr1, much appreciated. Pretty much hunting around now, to see what 03 and 04 options are available.