New Member, hopefully oneday NSX owner

To all the old RSX owners, Stupid question but did you regret selling your RSX?
My fear is that I've put a lot of time and money into my car and I will not get what I've put into it.

Any regrets moving from your Type S to the NSX? How's is the maintenance comparison?

I came from Integra to NSX so similar ball game. Except for I didn't sell my Integra, I use it as a beater and it's getting close to 230K.

My parents Accord and my Integra were my training wheels. I learned to wrench on those platforms; it's like home.

But it all translates to the NSX, in my experience. It's a bit more complicated (i.e. cooling!), it's a little rarer parts, it's a tighter bay, but it's still Honda in the end. Respect it but don't be frightened of it. All of the Honda tricks you learned, still apply!

If you're doing the maintenance on your RSX you can handle an NSX, I have no doubt. If you're having the work done be cautious; some folks equate an NSX with an unlimited stream of funds.

In my opinion anyway!
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I came from Integra to NSX so similar ball game. Except for I didn't sell my Integra, I use it as a beater and it's getting close to 230K.

My parents Accord and my Integra were my training wheels. I learned to wrench on those platforms; it's like home.

But it all translates to the NSX, in my experience. It's a bit more complicated (i.e. cooling!), it's a little rarer parts, it's a tighter bay, but it's still Honda in the end. Respect it but don't be frightened of it. All of the Honda tricks you learned, still apply!

If you're doing the maintenance on your RSX you can handle an NSX, I have no doubt. If you're having the work done be cautious; some folks equate an NSX with an unlimited stream of funds.

In my opinion anyway!

Ive (along with friends) have done all maintenance and built my car to where it is. I would be nervous to do most maintenance on the NSX until I got used to the car.

Im looking forward to learning everything I can.