New member here. Help w/ redline

Re: Update:

Step off your high horse. You don't even know me. Don't make me lay a bitch slap over the net!!! :tongue:

NSX demograpics needs to change a bit, especially these uptight guys that barely drive their cars, have nothing helpful to say but stupid shit. I' m not a noob, but please, if a noob does sound naive, help'em out. Don't critisize.

This is not the first time I encountered this 'changing demographic' BS statement. In life Change is automatic, progress isn't.

Good Day Sir........

If you're not a noob, why do you act like one? Why do you not know that warm weather has nothing to do with your oil level? Or that leaving your car in the parking lot doesn't warm up the engine?
I consider myself a noob, I even consider myself young ( wait...I am young:cool: ) but it should be a no-brainer to let your car warm up, even more so with a sporting car such as the NSX.

Always follow: "Better a man think you a fool rather than you open your mouth and confirm it" :biggrin:
I consider myself a noob, I even consider myself young ( wait...I am young:cool: ) but it should be a no-brainer to let your car warm up, even more so with a sporting car such as the NSX.

Always follow: "Better a man think you a fool rather than you open your mouth and confirm it" :biggrin:

I just wanted some freakin opinions, not a freakin character scrutiny anylzation mumbo jumbo crap:eek: Just tell me. No need for name calling. Whats it to you how I treat 'my car'? (I treat my car very well btw) GET A LIFE PEOPLE!

Unfortunatly I won't be selling my car. Unless you give me what I ask:wink:

As far as 7k rpm issue. It was due to a grounded 02 sensor.
I just wanted some freakin opinions, not a freakin character scrutiny anylzation mumbo jumbo crap:eek: Just tell me. No need for name calling. Whats it to you how I treat 'my car'? (I treat my car very well btw) GET A LIFE PEOPLE!

Unfortunatly I won't be selling my car. Unless you give me what I ask:wink:

As far as 7k rpm issue. It was due to a grounded 02 sensor.

confirmed :biggrin:

Although I wouldn't blame us for scrutiny of an owner of a car that we might potentially buy. Wisdom has been gained.
Re: Update:

Step off your high horse. You don't even know me. Don't make me lay a bitch slap over the net!!! :tongue:

:eek: Yeah; well that is the only way you could ever lay a bitch slap on me- but since you are just kidding, then I will take it in the manner in which it was offered.
As far as the car stuff goes- if you keep it and take it to the grave with you, as opposed to selling it to someone in the future, a fine machine like the NSX deserves to be treated like a fine machine and not a civic (not that the civic is a bad car, it is just that there is a million of those running around). And, as someone that has built a lot of engines from scratch, and blown up a few at the race track, I know what abuse can do to the internal parts. A little care goes a long ways.
From the look of some of those posts, I don't think the car was in great condition when HE bought it.

Now a $23k NSX is tempting, but not so tempting not to realize that you might want to pay a little bit more in the short run to avoid the headache in the long run. :wink:

I'd almost encourage him to sell it to someone just for the simple fact that someone who can afford to fix the car will be able to keep one more NSX on the road that won't be on the road going on the path that it is currently on now.

No offense man, but you don't really know your own machine very well. :eek:

I feel like I'm beating a dead horse here:tongue: , so I'll stop, but just because you have an NSX doesn't mean all the wisdom and knowledge of autodom transfers to your brain with you signing the purchase papers. :rolleyes: