New member here. Help w/ redline

4 September 2007
Big hello to all...I'm a new NSX owner and member here. Glad to be a part of this premier community.

Bought a 92 NSX on ebay a few months ago...Very happy with the car. Little problems here and there but nothing unexpected, so I'm not complaining.

Motor runs good except for I've noticed the fuel seems to cut off at 7000rpms instead of redline at 8000. Any ideas/suggestions? I'm thinking its computer related, but how do I fix this?

Thanks in advance.
even with the engine fully warm? it will do that when its not up to full operating temp.
first, welcome~:biggrin: yeh warm up first~
I hope you're not revving the car to redline when it's cold. That would be bad.

And, you don't have an automatic, do you? That would really be bad. :wink:
The redline on the auto is 7200, if I'm not mistaken.
Hello and welcome! A little tip would be to provide more info on the car aside from just the year. Mileage, maintenance, mods to the car and type of transmission is a good start. I would check fuel...injectors clean, fuel pump, filter etc.

I've come across this similar situation. Last night I tried redlining on 1st gear and the RPM cut me off at about 7k. I figured my car was still cold since I just pulled her out. A few minutes after driving it, it went all the way to 8k again. But tonight, after some really really spirited driving, It started cutting me off again @ 7k on 1st gear. Strange thing is I'm able to redline 2nd gear????

Could it be that I've just been driving it too hard lately??:confused:

I checked my engine oil dip stick this morning and found it to be bone dry:eek: so I was very low on motor oil. (could be due to the very hot California weather we been getting, not to mension my abusive driving habits in the scorching heat:wink: :tongue: ) I bought some motor oil (Royal Purple 10w 30) and topped it off were it should be. After some casual driving to get it up to optimum running temperature, I took it to redline on 1st!

Does the car have to 'always' be at 'FULL' operating temperature:confused:
After leaving my car in the sun for a couple of hours at the gym, I tried to take it to redline as soon as i pulled out of the parking lot and the fuel cut me off again @ 7k RPM?? After awhile I was able to take it again to 8k+.

What I still don't get it is; last night it was cutting me off even though my car was at optimal temperature. I mean, I was redlining it on the freeway on 3rd gear. (safely, w/o any cars) Its when I was on side streets the car wouldn't let me go all the way. Could this have been due to the lack of oil???
My slipping clutch??? fuel...injectors clean, fuel pump, filter etc. as Racerxjling stated??

AngelcityNSX, whats the word on your car???

Any opinions and/or suggestions would be appreaciated.:smile:
Hello and welcome! A little tip would be to provide more info on the car aside from just the year. Mileage, maintenance, mods to the car and type of transmission is a good start. I would check fuel...injectors clean, fuel pump, filter etc.


Thanks for the welcome everyone...Heres a little more info i should have provided...1992 5spd manual, stock motor-zero mods w/ magnaflow muffler. Mileage is just about 90k.

I will check the fuel this weekend and give it another test drive...This time keeping in mind engine temp. Enesexdreamer, will give update for ya soon as I get a chance.
Neither low oil pressure nor a slipping clutch would change the rev-limiter. Fuel delievery problems are discernable from the hard stop of hitting the rev limiter. I had the same problem when I first bought my '94 (I don't know if the seller even knew). I had a hunch it was the temp sender, and it was. Verified it with the hot-water, thermometer and ohm-meter test, then replaced the unit. No problems with the rev-limiter ever since.

The temp gauge and the ECU use different temp sending units. The dash gauge may not be telling the truth (with regard to what the ECU *thinks* is going on), same as oil pressure.

Bad thermostat can also compound the problem.
Let my NSX warm up plenty, and gave it a mile and 1/2 drive before i was able to hit 8K just fine...Ran great. I guess I might have not let it warm up that time before.

No issues here, but thanks for all the feedback.
Re: Update:

Does the car have to 'always' be at 'FULL' operating temperature:confused:
After leaving my car in the sun for a couple of hours at the gym, I tried to take it to redline as soon as i pulled out of the parking lot and the fuel cut me off again @ 7k RPM?? After awhile I was able to take it again to 8k+.

Why are you abusing your car by taking it to redline immediately after letting it cool down for a few hours? Have you ever owned a car before? Do you really think that letting your car sit in the sun for a few hours is tantamount to letting the engine warm up? Is it that important to run the engine to redline as soon as you exit a parking lot? Why are you treating such a fine automobile like that? :confused:
LOL... I was thinking the same thing enesexdreamer!! You are driving the car with low engine oil and reving it to 8K before its warm. Not once, but several times. You do realize this is complete abuse of the motor, right?

I am reading your post and am just shocked. low oil, going to redline with low oil, then you admit abusing the car in the heat (hopefully that was a joke), then you pull out of the gym and immediately go redline AGAIN with the engine cold, you redline in 3rd gear on the highway (I don't even want to ask what speed that was), and then you talk about going to redline on side streets at night....

Holy cow!
Re: Update:

Why are you abusing your car by taking it to redline immediately after letting it cool down for a few hours? Have you ever owned a car before? Do you really think that letting your car sit in the sun for a few hours is tantamount to letting the engine warm up? Is it that important to run the engine to redline as soon as you exit a parking lot? Why are you treating such a fine automobile like that? :confused:

I believe enesexdreamer might be pulling our legs. That post had a real tongue-in-cheek scent to it. I can only pray that no one is abusing their NSX like this. That'd be a crime.


I believe the very high temperatures we been having here in Socal in the past week caused some of my engine oil to evaporate. I hope im not burning oil. Do you guys smell any scent of oil or fuel on WOT, even with cats?

Regarding my 7k RPM cutoff issue, I think I just been too hasty lately.:redface: The car has been running great. Unless maintanence in nearing my doorstep again. My car has 138k miles,.. when you have this much milage its a whole different realm of NSX ownership.:cool:

As far as me "abusing my car", what I meant was "driving it like there was no tommorow":biggrin: I love my car, and she loves it when I drive her like shes meant to be driven :wink:
Re: Update:

Why are you abusing your car by taking it to redline immediately after letting it cool down for a few hours? Have you ever owned a car before? Do you really think that letting your car sit in the sun for a few hours is tantamount to letting the engine warm up? Is it that important to run the engine to redline as soon as you exit a parking lot? Why are you treating such a fine automobile like that? :confused:

Ken- I agree with you. Unfortunately this is the result of the changing demographic of NSX owners who apparently know very little about engines and the mechanics of a car, let alone an NSX. That is why I just pass when I see a car owned by a young kid whenI am looking for a used car. They used words like "the car cut off" or "I was on 1st gear". These are the same ones who end up driving w/o oil becasue they never check the oil. Ah, enough, it is just too sad to think about the way some people abuse these fine cars. Taking a cold engine to redline is just stupid.
Re: Update:

Ken- I agree with you. Unfortunately this is the result of the changing demographic of NSX owners who apparently know very little about engines and the mechanics of a car, let alone an NSX. That is why I just pass when I see a car owned by a young kid whenI am looking for a used car. They used words like "the car cut off" or "I was on 1st gear". These are the same ones who end up driving w/o oil becasue they never check the oil. Ah, enough, it is just too sad to think about the way some people abuse these fine cars. Taking a cold engine to redline is just stupid.

Step off your high horse. You don't even know me. Don't make me lay a bitch slap over the net!!! :tongue:

NSX demograpics needs to change a bit, especially these uptight guys that barely drive their cars, have nothing helpful to say but stupid shit. I' m not a noob, but please, if a noob does sound naive, help'em out. Don't critisize.

This is not the first time I encountered this 'changing demographic' BS statement. In life Change is automatic, progress isn't.

Good Day Sir........
Re: Update:

Step off your high horse. You don't even know me. Don't make me lay a bitch slap over the net!!! :tongue:

NSX demograpics needs to change a bit, especially these uptight guys that barely drive their cars, have nothing helpful to say but stupid shit. I' m not a noob, but please, if a noob does sound naive, help'em out. Don't critisize.

This is not the first time I encountered this 'changing demographic' BS statement. In life Change is automatic, progress isn't.

Good Day Sir........

Why don't you listen to others who might be more knowledgable than yourself on a subject?

It is very sad when you see someone who does something stupid and then won't take advice from people who might be able to stop you from blowing your engine.

Oil will not evaporate.:rolleyes:

When your car sits in the hot sun your engine cools down, the sun will never bring your car upto operating temperature.:frown:

When you redline your car when the oil is cold it doesn't sufficently coat your pistons and increases the wear exponentially.:frown:

When the oil in the crankcase will not register on your dipstick it is dangerously low and you probably did major damage to your engine.:frown:

Please list your VIN so we know which NSX to skip over in the future.:smile:
Re: Update:

Why don't you listen to others who might be more knowledgable than yourself on a subject?

It is very sad when you see someone who does something stupid and then won't take advice from people who might be able to stop you from blowing your engine.

Oil will not evaporate.:rolleyes:

When your car sits in the hot sun your engine cools down, the sun will never bring your car upto operating temperature.:frown:

When you redline your car when the oil is cold it doesn't sufficently coat your pistons and increases the wear exponentially.:frown:

When the oil in the crankcase will not register on your dipstick it is dangerously low and you probably did major damage to your engine.:frown:

Please list your VIN so we know which NSX to skip over in the future.:smile:

I wholeheartedly agree. First let me say I'm 20 years old, do not own an NSX ( yet :tongue: ) and still know the truth of heeding experience and direction when given.

As an engineering student, I deal with situations like these and that's the reason I let my car warm up in the morning, every morning, for about 10 or 15 minutes before I climb in and drive off. Sure, gas gets expensive, but I have 223k miles and I'm running strong ( oh and this is also a shameless plug for you NSX owners who might potentially sell your beloved baby to me :biggrin: ) Your outside temp doesn't even come close to mimicking the inside actual temps when running.

It takes oil about 2-4x as long as coolant to heat up enough that it is flowing well enough through the system to adequately lubricate and cool the bearings. This mean that technically you dont want to be spinning high RPMs for a good 5-10 minutes after the coolant gauge gets up to temp.
It kills me to see the people in these videos who climb into their cars, turn the key, and immediately go into a high revving-frenzy. It just sounds like destruction. I cringe. :mad:
I don't think I'm buying any high mileage NSX's from socal anytime soon.
It kills me to see the people in these videos who climb into their cars, turn the key, and immediately go into a high revving-frenzy. It just sounds like destruction. I cringe. :mad:

Me too, I always wonder did they let the car warm up before all that revving!

I own a used car lot and had to run a customer off because he started numerous cars and would rev hard the second it started. I just couldn't take it.
Firstly..welcome! I am not a long time member, but this place has given me a little of being at home when here browsing. No place, atleast not in North America, will you find a place with so many people in common with the same type of car(17yrs of technology crammed into 1 type of car). I have not notice about the fuel cut-off issue at 7k rpm, but then I rarely go there, and when I do, I almost never look at the dash. "The force is always with me" :) :) :)