Here the criteria:
Type 3 letters and 2/3 numbers or 2/3 numbers and 3 letters like this: AAA##, AAA### or ##AAA, ###AAA. If you use 3 numbers one of your letters must be one of the following vowels; A,E,O or U. If you use only 2 numbers you can also enter a space, dash, period, heart (use the @ sign to represent a heart) or a silhouette of Texas (use an asterisk (*) to represent a silhouette of Texas) to separate your letters from your numbers. For example: AAA ## or ##*AAA, etc.
Type 3 letters and 2/3 numbers or 2/3 numbers and 3 letters like this: AAA##, AAA### or ##AAA, ###AAA. If you use 3 numbers one of your letters must be one of the following vowels; A,E,O or U. If you use only 2 numbers you can also enter a space, dash, period, heart (use the @ sign to represent a heart) or a silhouette of Texas (use an asterisk (*) to represent a silhouette of Texas) to separate your letters from your numbers. For example: AAA ## or ##*AAA, etc.