New license plate offerings in Texas...


Gold Member, Moderator: Marketplace
12 August 2003
Austin, Republic of Texas

What I liked in particular...

Custom Series (2-digits & 3-letters / 3-letters & 2-digits):

1 year = $95
5 years = $295
10 years = $495

Luxury Series (up to 6-alphanumeric characters):

1 year = $395
5 years = $695
10 years = $795

"Lone Star" plates (first image in this post) can come in black, blue, red, orange, maroon, purple, pink and can be used in both the Custom Series & Luxury Series.

I might just print these out on high-quality glossy paper & affix them onto some clear lexane, add a matte-black license plate frame from the Dollar Store, and use them as garage-art! :cool:
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Just a quick photoshop,

Not quite sure what I think, sort of seems a little rock-star to me.


Just a quick photoshop,

Not quite sure what I think, sort of seems a little rock-star to me.
I concur. The Luxury Series offerings are quite cool lookin', but I can't fathom paying so much more per-annum just for a novelty plate.

I wonder if we can just crop/silk-screen our State registered alpha-numeric tag I.D. (ie. "91 NSX") onto a desired 'replica' of those plates. Would the state-trooper/local-PD even know you have certain series plate? I think they usually just punch the tag I.D. into the computer or dispatch, w/o mention or thought of the actual plate, itself...(?)

I know, it's the not most kosher or boy-scout way of going about things... but, I can think of nearly 800 reasons why!
I'm not too keen on the flat plates. Times must be getting tough in the prisons, can't find cons who can operate the punch.:wink:
Ha! I wouldn't be surprised if these were out-sourced to Chinese prisons... :D

After'all, I mean, our welfare recipients, jail/prison populace, and so forth are beyond making raised-letter tags/plates... :rolleyes:
...they're produced in huntsville alongside the state's other plates, just administered by a private company...i agree that they're very expensive in the short-term, but if you can swallow the ten-year package up front they aren't more expensive than other custom plates...

Re: gone, away...

Ehhh', has apparently folded, so to speak!

(current economic climate lays claim to another business entity. . .)

I blame the lack of raised lettering. "M" says they were made in Huntsville administered by a private company. That says it all. Charge the customer the same price for an inferior product in a bad market and viola.

Re: gone, away...

Ehhh', has apparently folded, so to speak!

(current economic climate lays claim to another business entity. . .)

Fox News mentioned this.. Sounded like the state shut them down b/c they weren't getting "their cut" from sales. State said it should be a going to a non profit group.....
grrr, decisions-decisions!

Looks like they're back:
Tempting, huh...


However, as ACCD stated, I'd feel hella' lot better knowing any/all profits or proceeds goto a charitable cause or N.P.O. in the great state of Texas. I can't find any affirmation of such on the website.

FWIW, it's approx' ~$55/year to renew my plates/reg. w/ standard-issue plates. I reckon the acquisition cost of these plates (varies from $30-$200 per year) will be added on top of the aforementioned plates/reg. fees.

I'm sure if I had a rare/unique vehicle, classic/vintage show-car, or restoration/creative project - any of which that held tremendous sentimental value to me for some reason or another, I'd pursue one of the offerings. . .

Also, "91 NSX" is taken. I guess I have to get another NSX... :cool:
Whoa, talk about words turning into reality! :eek:
Man, I'm STILL struggling with spending the money.. maybe a can of Krylon would do it...?? Just spray my existing plate black..

But the new Texas plates look really sissssssy.... geee who came up with the most recent one... Texas is forcing you to switch.

The old one looked fine to me..

Trouble is, I really want to do one for each car, all are black, so .... yes.. I would do the Black TX plate...

Ok, $36 a year if you do 10 years, or $85 per year if you don't do multi year.