new laptop, old camera dilemna!

27 July 2000
Alexandria, VA
Alright, I just got a new laptop & it gives me an abundance of USB ports, but no parallel port(there is one for an external monitor)for me to connect accesories like my digital camera or palm pilot cradle. The port for the monitor is female, but all my assessory cables are also female. I went to COMPUSA and bought what looked like would be a male/male adaptor. When I tried to plug the adaptor in to the laptop's port, I realized that the monitor parallel port & an accerory port look similar, but are not in the same. What kind of adaptor am I suppoose to use. My camera & Palm are only a couple years old and there's no way they could be obsolete just b/c of the cable incompatibility?
You probably need a SERIAL port. It would have 9 pins. Check the manual. If your computer doesn't have a serial port, I believe you can get an adaptor for the USB port to convert to serial port. Check @ Comp USA or similar.

You need something like this:


There are many devices like this, check Belkin on the web so you know what to look for when you go to your local superstore.

Andrew Henderson
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