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New GB: ARK DT-S NSX Catback - 2nd Version

I might have missed it but what is the weight on your entire exhaust system?

It is about 27lbs ~29lbs on actual product and with packing material with box weight about 35lbs

oh btw guys, the original sounds amazing...i heard it personally already once. the sound clip, even though it sounds great, sounds even better in person. this new one will not fail to amaze you ... we can guarantee that.

BTW...i don't think price was mentioned. some people have problems with our site so i'll post it here

629 plus 59 shipping. canada is 99 shipping
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rbirling said:
What do you have to have to view this? I see the streaming media box on the right, but can't get it to do anything by clicking on it. :confused: It would be nice if it was just a sound file, and not some strange flash streaming thing.

So sorry about that.

you can down load FLASH Plug-in from www.macromedia.com

sorry for the inconvenience.

I'd love to hear feedback from anyone who has installed this exhaust. How's the fit? Any resonance issues? Weight?

I was the first to try out the new design. ( The pics of the black car is the one I have been working on for my boss, designed the sub enclosure for) Tips are great!
When it went on it was quieter than the old one. It has now somewhat broken in and has gotten louder and deaper. The sound is deaper than the original. Will see if it gets louder with more miles.
zetoolman said:
I am in So. OC, if you want to hook up to hear it. PM me!

yep... And check his tool box. That thing sound awsome !! loved bass sound.

And ARK DT-S exhaust system - we have 6 more to go until end of month.

$629.00 + S/H
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4 more days price will go up to $999.00 . So who ever is late for purchasing our DT-S system, Plz don't blame me. Thanks. :biggrin:
We have 2more set to go .... And we're closing sale soon today.

Thank you for all participant buyers & special thank you for NSXPO given us sponsorship opportunity.

See u all in SEMA 2005 in Las Vegas Nov 01 ~ 04 booth # 27935 / come see Team ARK racing model from Korea

Thanks again ~
ARKers said:
special thank you for NSXPO given us sponsorship opportunity.

You're very welcome! We very much appreciate your support and that of all the other sponsors too. You're sponsorship support allows NSXPO to be an extremely high quality event for all of the NSXCA members! So, Thank You! :biggrin:

We do urge everyone to remember the valuable contributions that all of the sponsors, like ArkSpeedRacing, have made to NSXPO 2005. Please keep this in mind when you're shopping for your next purchase or service.