New Gauges Faces, back lit blue.

10 May 2006
Bright, Indiana / Cincinnati, Ohio
Tonight I'm going over my buddy's place. He took the gauges apart and put the new silver face gagues in, along with the SOS aluminum rings. He said it looks great. I'll take a pic and share it when I get back. I hope they look good, if not, I got the gauges for $5 on Ebay. :cool:
Ok guys, here they are... what do you think? The polished aluminum rings from SOS are also just now installed. I like it alot. I think it looks more modern. Complement or flame away... I just hope you don't think it looks rice. Because that's NOT what I'm going for. Just more modern.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

Now in this lit up version... the centers really aren't green like this. I'm not sure why it shows up like that on the camera.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

Once they are installed in the car, and have the lights in the top shining down, the needles will show up better.
Looks better off than on......the glowing green circle part makes it look ricey. Otherwise it looks pretty decent if it wasn't for that part.
I remember the old overlay guages had a selection where you could turn that center green portion off having only the numbers lite. Have you gone thru the menu and if that is not an option I would definilty look into some how covering up that center portion. Now to get the consoul lights converted to white or blue led's.
I don't think that's an option, and I'm not really sure how you'd get the centers to not glow. And I'm not sure how you'd cover the center without making it look bad in the day. If anybody has a suggestion on a different set of back lit gauges I'd love to see it. I'm in the process of "getting the blues" right now.
Looks very nice when the light is off. The silver face looks very classy. The night function looks similar to the white face gauges I had on, which gave you like 6-8 lighting options. It came with a little pad which let you change the lighting schemes. Looks good if you are going to match it with a different radio but awkward for the oem orange lighting.
The needles never have glowed. They reflect light that comes from above the assembly when it's installed in the car. That pic is the assembly sitting outside the car. I'll take another pic when it's in the car if you'd like.
ediddynsx said:
Looks better off than on......the glowing green circle part makes it look ricey. Otherwise it looks pretty decent if it wasn't for that part.

Ditto....the green looks cheesy. Other than that, they look nice.
Sorry about what you said in stating it showed up green, but yeah the blue circle part does not look good in my opinion. If you like them then sport them. :smile: Nothing can really beat oem guages but maybe if they were brighter.....or looks something like the new TL-S guages.....that would be nice.....the red really looks nice.
If that is your thing then more power to ya!!
It seems like it would be harder to see the needles though. Could just be the way the pic looks too:confused:
I had indiglos and got tired of squinting to read them so I unhooked the lighting part of them and now just use the white faces during the day and they have a orangish tint at night with the OEM lights helping out.
Don't know. I don't have the gagues back in the car yet. They're assembled and sitting on the work bench. I'll take more pics when they're installed, and I'll tell you how hard it is to see. I think once the light is shining down on the needles, they'll glow just like before.

Please post some picutures once you have the unit back in the car. It really does look good. If the needles are not hard to see at night, I will definitely follow the same work. I recently changed the Clock and AC Control lights to blue to accomodate the aftermarket head unit. It will be nice to do the same for the instrument gauges.

Also, is there anyway you could please provide a link to the kind of gauge faces that you purchased?

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PhiAlpha44 - I bought the same guages on ebay the other day and installed them last night. Took a long time to remove each guage from the cluster one by one and painstakingly add the double sided tape (without popping off/bending the needles). After reinstalling everything - all seemed to be well - lights worked fine, all needles seemed to work (battery, tach, gas, etc) - BUT as soon as I took it on the highway - the speedo stopped at 58mph. As I was going about 80 - I banged real hard on the dash to see if the needle was stuck but it bounced down then up (past 58mph). When I would come to a stop it would drop down to 20mph - but wouldn't go down to 0mph (until I turned off the car). It doesn't seem the needle is stuck but something is wrong... When I start from a standstill - the needle moves up very quickly - states I'm going 40mph when I'm probably only going 10-15mph. Any ideas anyone? Maybe I should have skipped this upgrade. Do you guys think I need to buy a new speedo or is there anything I can test/reset?

BTW, love the blues - going to do the center console this weekend.
Well you doesn't sound like you pulled the needles so that's good. The only problem I forsaw was the needle brushing against the face of the gauge if it wasn't properly adhered down. The only problem spot was the tach... for some reason it kept wanting to pop up, so we used just a smidge of clear, scilicone adhesive to keep it down. The gauges go back in the car this week. There is ALOT more apart on my car than just the gagues. :wink: As soon as they are installed and I take it for a spin down the road I'll let you know what happens.

Oh.. and question... where did you get your blue lenses for the center console? And exactly which shade of blue did you use?