PhiAlpha44 - I bought the same guages on ebay the other day and installed them last night. Took a long time to remove each guage from the cluster one by one and painstakingly add the double sided tape (without popping off/bending the needles). After reinstalling everything - all seemed to be well - lights worked fine, all needles seemed to work (battery, tach, gas, etc) - BUT as soon as I took it on the highway - the speedo stopped at 58mph. As I was going about 80 - I banged real hard on the dash to see if the needle was stuck but it bounced down then up (past 58mph). When I would come to a stop it would drop down to 20mph - but wouldn't go down to 0mph (until I turned off the car). It doesn't seem the needle is stuck but something is wrong... When I start from a standstill - the needle moves up very quickly - states I'm going 40mph when I'm probably only going 10-15mph. Any ideas anyone? Maybe I should have skipped this upgrade. Do you guys think I need to buy a new speedo or is there anything I can test/reset?
BTW, love the blues - going to do the center console this weekend.