NEW 2002 NSX pics!!

The page says the car's in San Jose. Anyone know where? I'd like to check it out IRL.

(Of course, I would take pictures

I'll bet there will be plenty to buy this new iteration. Many just want the new thing, whether it's hideous or not.
Personally, I'm looking for little details that may improve the look. The nose is not so hot, but maybe something small in the interior is. I want to see this thing in person, then start upgrading the nuances that I like (if any).
The little circles are the latest flip up head lights called the Super High Intensity Torch-light. Don't remember what the acronym was. It is super compact and extremely bright during the date time.

What's on the old head light area is actually the blinkers.

[This message has been edited by CDube (edited 05 December 2001).]
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
My guess is that these are (USDM) covers for the (Euro-spec) headlamp washers. Must be REALLY oversized injectors
on those little nozzles to spray that far.

That can't be what they are, since they're on the FRONT of the bumper. There's no way they can spray backwards towards the headlights from there.
sure they can... ever see the ones on the newer Mercedes cars? they telescope forward, then spray (heated washer fluid) backwards.

unfortunately in typical Teutonic over-enginering, they overspray onto the front hood, windshield, and even the cars on either side of you

But I like Andie's tow hook idea better... similar to a Porsche 996TT or Ferrari 360 Modena

[This message has been edited by nsx1164 (edited 05 December 2001).]
I wonder if the rear bumper will be restyled to how it looked on the NSXR or whether it will stay as it is. I actually kind of liked that. Haven't been any spy shots of the rump yet.
We can't switch over the lights without buying the entire front end and hood. We can't do the side skirts without changing the doors. No new wing. Not much we can use here, I'm sorry to say.

I would have liked to see something more industrial looking. Something similar to the new Lambo's lights. All that silver plastic in the lights draws too much attention to the front of the car, which doesn't jive with the rear. Even the yellow interior isn't enough to draw your eye rearward. The yellow panel on the firewall behind the seats makes me wonder what they did to the interior. The NSX-R interior was tasteful.

No performance gain? Who knows, maybe even a less aerodynamic car with a reduced top end. Seems odd that Honda made no claims as to improved aeros, or cooling, or top speed, or weight, or just about anything. No marketing, no hype, no hoopla. Seems too quiet.

Honda vowed never to change the NSX when it was rolled out. Things have not been the same since Mr. Honda passed.
The yellow panel on the firewall behind the seats makes me wonder what they did to the interior.

Nothing different. The panel on the firewall has been color-matched to the seats since the '94 model year.
Before we all hang our heads in sorrow, a couple of thoughts. First, the NSX has never been particularly photgenic -- sure, we like the pictures of our cars because we know how cool they look in person. However, I never really liked tne NSX until I saw it in the flesh. The same might be true of the minor reskin we see in these pictures. Also note that the pictures posted in this thread have very peculiar lighting -- it looks like a light is under the car, which would tend to make the car look awkward even if it were the old model. I'm going to reserve judgement until I see the car in person. Having said that, let me be the first to say that I hope the new car is as ugly in person as it is in the photos. Why? because I paid big bucks for my 2000t, and I don't want to have any doubts about whether I should buy a new one. Remember the Porsche 993? Great car, great looking. After several years, it was replaced by the 996, which, IMHO, is ugly enough to stop a clock. I think we may have the same thing on our hands here...
Originally posted by MAJOR STONER:
We can't do the side skirts without changing the doors.

I would highly doubt that the doors are new skin. The only new aluminum skin seems to be the hood. I think the new part of the side skirt on the door is probably an add on. But how would you attach it? I certainly wouldn't drill my doors...two sided tape?

Here here!!!!

95 NSX-T, 5 sp, Red/Tan, Stock, except Dunlaptya SP9000s
Remember the Porsche 993? Great car, great looking. After several years, it was replaced by the 996, which, IMHO, is ugly enough to stop a clock.

Huh? The 993 and the 996 look damn near identical to me...
I think the problem here is the front of the car does not look symmetrical. No matter how you look at it. It seems to me to have a left side that is slightly different from the right side or vise versa. It just seems lopsided for some reason. The lines just do not flow the way they did on the previous model. I think some of it could be the slope of the headlights. If I have time I am going to put the picture in Photoshop and try to straighten out the body line between the headlight and the hood. I think that that will make this design much more appealing to the eye.
It (the new nose) here seems a lot shorter than the pictures taken on the street a few weeks ago. it really does look kinda mitsubishiish in these pictures.

My $.02

Originally posted by nsxtasy:
Huh? The 993 and the 996 look damn near identical to me...

things look different to different people, but I would encourage you to take another look. the front end of the 996 was totally redesigned and is much more gradually sloped. the headlights were more integrated to the nose. the 996 looks much closer to a boxter than a 993 to me. one of (the many) reasons I bought the NSX over the 996.
Ahh, man! The more I look at these photos the more I am cline to keep my 96T. I am not going to jump to coclusion, but wait and see the new beast in the flesh. However, from certain angles the facelift does look cool.
Originally posted by ilya:
I wonder if the rear bumper will be restyled to how it looked on the NSXR or whether it will stay as it is. I actually kind of liked that. Haven't been any spy shots of the rump yet.
They did. Check these out ->

I like the new rear-end treatment - reminds me of my car

Manuel C


[This message has been edited by nsx1164 (edited 07 December 2001).]
In looking over those photos of the new rear end, it's clear that the 2002 has a nice looking tail, although I don't think it compensates enough for its buggy face.

However, it looks to me that the space for the exhaust tip is now so narrow that only a single-tipped exhaust would fit there (the much desired dual-tipped aftermarket exhausts cannot be used).

To celebrate the design of my 95, I've just ordered a dual-tipped TUBI exhaust from Tino. I can't wait!!!

95 NSX-T, 5 sp, Red/Tan, Stock, except Dunlaptya SP9000s