New '02 NSX for $73K?

13 June 2002
Redondo Beach, CA USA
Having read many threads regarding the availability of a new '01 for 70K, and '02's for low 70's, I decided to seriously consider making the plunge for a new silver 6 speed targa...However, when I approached my local dealer's sales managers with these numbers, as well as a dealer 70 miles away who has a silver in stock, i was rebuffed both times with the comments that these figures, as well as the associated posts on NSXPrime, are not realistic...In response to my cash out the door offer of 80K (figuring a low 70's purchase price, tax and license) both dealers said the best they would do is 80K PLUS tax and fees....So I guess I'm wondering how I would go about securing a new vehicle for my target price, in the Los Angeles area...Any help would be appreciated...
Originally posted by coreyco:
Having read many threads regarding the availability of a new '01 for 70K, and '02's for low 70's, I decided to seriously consider making the plunge for a new silver 6 speed targa...However, when I approached my local dealer's sales managers with these numbers, as well as a dealer 70 miles away who has a silver in stock, i was rebuffed both times with the comments that these figures, as well as the associated posts on NSXPrime, are not realistic...In response to my cash out the door offer of 80K (figuring a low 70's purchase price, tax and license) both dealers said the best they would do is 80K PLUS tax and fees....So I guess I'm wondering how I would go about securing a new vehicle for my target price, in the Los Angeles area...Any help would be appreciated...


I don't think these prices are realistic in the major Los Angeles metro area. Perhaps you should try surrounding states such as AZ, Oregon, or Washington. These states have a less demand for sports cars and dealers are a lot more anxious to sell. Have you tried bidding on a new 2002 off of Ebay???

This is off the topic, but I saw a middle aged woman drive a 2002 red NSX in torrance (torrance blvd & madrona). Any local owners know who car that belongs to???

[This message has been edited by khuezee (edited 14 September 2002).]
Give Pleasanton Acura a call (Bay Area) - last week they still had available black on black @ $74,800 - they may even haggle, they're anxious to move it.
Fly into Oakland, have them pick you up then after you complete the paperwork its a nice drive down 5 & over the GrapeVine home!
I did it the reverse direction when I bought my Lexus LX470 from Beverly Hills Lexus.
Originally posted by khuezee:

This is off the topic, but I saw a middle aged woman drive a 2002 red NSX in torrance (torrance blvd & madrona). Any local owners know who car that belongs to???

I saw this car today too on Torrance Blvd near Western Blvd. I've also seen it once at South Bay Acura when I was in for service. The owner brought it in for service as well but was not present.

2001 NSX-T
- Bilstein Shocks
- '02 OEM Wheels
The following is message provided to you from Niello Acura, the major sponsor of the Sacramento Chapter of NSXCA. Since the sales managers of Niello Acura are not on this forum, they asked me to post it for them.


Would you please contact this gentleman and inform him that we have a Silver 2002 NSX and would be willing to speak with him about his offer in the "low" Seventies!!

Thank you,

Fleet/Internet Sales Managers
Niello Acura
916-338-1684 fax
[email protected]
[email protected]

Disclaimer, I personally have no financial interest in this ........ but as for our local chapter, I will figure a way to get kudos ........ LOLL!

Good luck