Neo + nsx + snow = This guy is everywhere!

8 April 2004
Edmonton, Alberta
Who is this guy, and does he even own an NSX?
He is everywhere and this is getting out of hand!
Came out from my noon workout at the gym to find this...........


  • neosnow.jpg
    44.6 KB · Views: 868
Aussies... go figure :rolleyes:
Thats what you get for driving your car in the snow!! :wink:

If you left it in the garage where it belongs...all the Neophites would have to find some other car to graffiti!! :wink: :biggrin:
looks like we've got an international mystery on our hands...
that's just about the funniest thing I've ever seen! :biggrin:
ffffanman said:
Who is this guy, and does he even own an NSX?
He is everywhere and this is getting out of hand!
Came out from my noon workout at the gym to find this...........

HOLY COW!!! You mean your car did not melt when snow landed on it??? :eek: :wink:
LOL... what lamer would call himself Neo and write it on an NSX.... oh, that would be me. :rolleyes: :D

That's pretty funny. What's the full story behind this -- did a stranger really do it for kicks?

btw, i thought this was applicable:


  • spot-the-nsx.jpg
    19.4 KB · Views: 334
NeoNSX said:
btw, i thought this was applicable:
Re: Spot the NSX - first, what a scene! :eek: However, for the hidden NSX, I believe it's the second from the right. :smile:
Autophile said:
Re: Spot the NSX - first, what a scene! :eek: However, for the hidden NSX, I believe it's the second from the right. :smile:

What gave it away? It's big antenna? :biggrin:
Why are all the pics suddenly thumbnail size?? :confused: