Neeting again... try it!

23 October 2001
Zürich, Switzerland
Hello everybody,

a small update for those few people that liked and used Neeting until one year ago before it went into a long rewrite process.
My brother is the author and the software was born for a Diploma
Thesis in Computer Science Engineering.
Now it is completely new and a I have to say it is a lot better...
people that experienced compatibility problem with some Explorer/Windows versions should be able to use it trouble free.

What does the program do?
It allows users reading the same webpage (or a page from the same domain) to chat together. It is very easy to use and requires no installation at all, you only have to execute the .EXE file.
If you want to use a name you have to put it in "Edit/Preferences".

If someone will use it it will be nice to "meet" in NSXPRIME! :D

PS: no Mac, Opera, Mozilla or Netscape versions on the way for now... :(

PPS: other nice add-ons are the integrated Pop-Up killer that can be switched on/off with one click and the possibility to disable the "MSN search" feature for wrongly tipped http addresses that IExplorer wants you to use and use a Google search instead.
Very cool! How does it work? Unfortunately I can't get it to connect from work, like the chat feature on here. :(

probably because it is irc based and your workplace blocks it... glad you like the idea!
The advantage over some similar existing products is that it is not the webmaster/website that has to support a feature like this but it is the user controlling it.
You could meet some other person on a webpage selling, for example, a hi-fi and you could speak with the other reader about the featured product. Without the website owner to do anything, it is enough that both readers use Neeting!
Thanks! I will tell him... the first version was submitted to google one year and a half ago. They had some interest... then the IT-tech crisis arrived and no investment was approved. Too bad it did not take the attention it could have had at that time... now he would be happy somebody enjoys it!

The problem with a software like this is that if there are no users it is not fun at all... it would be good to use in "close" circle, like NSXprime users!

It is nice that the new version does not requires any install at all and the 300kb executable is the stand-alone program!
You guys really should try this, it's much better than the NSX Prime Chat client--no annoying popups!

Gheba: did you experience any weird video display problems? Part of my screen went crazy while using this software, like I could see a portion of the chat screen showing up in other windows when I was chatting. I'll have to see if it happens again next time..