Need to RAISE the NSX an inch to stop scraping

Snag the $30 springs. You'll thank us later.

Then look for a set of either new or used Bilsteins. I got a used set of Bilsteins here on Prime, 12k miles, for $400. Check the NSX Parts for Sale forum often.

Even a new set of Bilsteins are not that expensive.

I will admit that my stock shocks (90k miles) were toast, but I was amazed at the difference the Bilsteins made. Much smoother ride plus better handling. (I used the lower spring perch.)

But do jump on the $30 springs deal. If you find a complete spring/shock set, fine, you can always re-sell the extra set, but even if not, it's only $30 and I'm assuming that shipping will be very reasonable.
Whoops! Noticed that the beauty shots I posted earlier were cropped wrong - that's what I get for not checking the final exports from Lightroom.


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Replace the shocks for sure. A used OEM set (springs and shocks) from a NSX-T will raise a coupe about 3/4" from stock. I did this to mine and it made a huge improvement in handling because my shocks were shot. If I had it to do over again I'd use the OEM coupe springs with the newer OEM shocks. Have it aligned after the install. Good Luck!
Keep in mind that all the part numbers are different for the different years. If you want the car to look right, keep the same year-group springs with the same year-group struts.

Part number for the front springs
51401-SL0-983 (for 2002-2005)
51401-SL0-961 (for 1997-2001)
51401-SL0-981 (for 1995-1996)
51401-SL0-013 (for 1991-1994)

51601-SL0-612 (R, Strut for 2002-2005)
51601-SL0-961 (R, Strut for 1997-2001)
51601-SL0-981 (R, Strut for 1995-1996)
51601-SL0-013 (R, Strut for 1991-1994)

you can find the other part numbers here:
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The TB quote included the water pump - he mentioned it specifically and said he'd "take care of everything," but I didn't ask him for more details. I was still in shock over the $1,700 figure!

The timing belt is a critical item... the cost of a new engine is your risk

Have Don get you an itemized list of materials he plans to replace, you will want these documented for your maintenance folder

$1700 for Timing Belt / Water Pump and other bits + labor is reasonable if he's doing what needs to be taken care of given the age and mileage of the vehicle. The key is that you have a knowledgeable and known NSX specialist.

At the end of the day, you bought an NSX... she's very reliable if you treat her well and do your scheduled maintenance, it's part of the deal being an owner

Those OEM springs for $30 with a new set of Bilsteins ~$700 should be a fine setup for you to drive around on as it doesn't sound like you are headed for a racetrack anytime soon
Even if your car was slammed to the ground, if you drive it properly you will be fine. My car is so low that the top of the front tires actually is just barely tucked inside the front fenders (so MUCH lower than yours), and I have just got used to taking approproiate angles into places, and driving around unusually large speed bumps. Bottom line...if you adapt your driving to the height of the car, you should be fine. Just takes a little bit of learning, and awareness of your surroundings.
Even if your car was slammed to the ground, if you drive it properly you will be fine. My car is so low that the top of the front tires actually is just barely tucked inside the front fenders (so MUCH lower than yours), and I have just got used to taking approproiate angles into places, and driving around unusually large speed bumps. Bottom line...if you adapt your driving to the height of the car, you should be fine. Just takes a little bit of learning, and awareness of your surroundings.

Exactly. Well said. I usually drive very carefully with the nsx, slower too.
It didn't matter what angle I came at my driveway, the car always scraped. If you have a curbed driveway that slants upward from the street, there is no way you're not going to scrape. I had to put 2X6 boards in front of the curb to clear it. Good luck!
Hi, all,

The "new" OEM struts & springs arrived today, and I delivered the NSX to Hill Top Auto (Daly City) have them installed. Don is also going to take care of the timing belt, water pump, etc.

I'll let y'all know how everything comes out after I get the car back next week. Thanks again for all the guidance.

Man, I love this car.
The TB quote included the water pump - he mentioned it specifically and said he'd "take care of everything," but I didn't ask him for more details. I was still in shock over the $1,700 figure!

Probably also includes the updated timing belt cover(probably how he could tell the timing belt had never been changed).
Hi, folks!

Well, the new old suspension has been installed - and the car doesn't scrape any more! Yay! Plus, as the car is a l-i-t-t-l-e bit higher, it's slightly easier to enter/exit. Don said that in a month, after everything has settled, we should get a front-end alignment.

Total cost was $100 for the shocks & struts (from someone on NSX Prime), $65 shipping, and $300 installation = $465. A bargain. Now, I guess I should sell the other suspension parts!

As mentioned, we also had the timing belt job. It included the belt, water pump, A/C belt, alternator belt, valve cover gasket.

Happy happy.
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sounds like you are set for many many many future of enjoyable mileage, worry free.. :biggrin:
so you replace the old shocks with used shocks?i dont get it,why not just get brand new shocks and not have to worry about it for awhile.
Keep in mind that all the part numbers are different for the different years. If you want the car to look right, keep the same year-group springs with the same year-group struts.

Part number for the front springs
51401-SL0-983 (for 2002-2005)
51401-SL0-961 (for 1997-2001)
51401-SL0-981 (for 1995-1996)
51401-SL0-013 (for 1991-1994)

51601-SL0-612 (R, Strut for 2002-2005)
51601-SL0-961 (R, Strut for 1997-2001)
51601-SL0-981 (R, Strut for 1995-1996)
51601-SL0-013 (R, Strut for 1991-1994)

you can find the other part numbers here:

I just replaced the front shocks on my '94, but no springs. I'm all stock..The '96 springs should work.

Aside from the part numbers, can anyone tell me the difference between the '94 and '96 coupe springs? Manual transmission.

More and more parts are being discontinued.

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Rip your curb out and pour a graduated lip.
That may be the best money I ever spent since virtually everybody that visits says "thanks for ripping the curb out".
Some streets just have tall curbs. Rip yours out and you will enjoy the freedom even with your DD's.
Learn to live with one then enjoy a lowered NSX.

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