Need some help with '95 124k mi JH4NA1187ST000073

19 January 2018
Colorado Springs, CO
I know the CARFAX isn't clean and an insurance company claimed it a TLV at one point. It looks like the previous owner sold it in 2013 and actually had it listed on NSXPrime from what the forum search results showed. I contacted him and got some information but I'm hoping a few other owners in the DMV area may know this car and can advise if it's worth the time to pursue. From all the pictures and correspondence it sounds like the current owner has taken very good care and great pride in the vehicle and made several modifications but nothing too extravagant. I'm just hoping someone out there has a 2nd or 3rd opinion on it since I'm on the other side of the country and can't see it in person before proceeding.
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total loss vehicle....
@NSX_n00b are you on facebook? We can chat on there if you'd like

I am, unfortunately my profile is extremely locked down because of my job. If you want to email me a link to your facebook profile at then I can connect with you via facebook that way, or vice versa.
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