JPS Europa said:I had the same spring retainer failure in my Integra and the same symptoms, although it was at 195,000 miles not 12,000. I did replace everything, but only the friction disk needed replacement. Is this a common failure on the NSX? I sure hope not. I would hate to think that the clutch design on my 30 year old Lotus (has never needed a clutch adjustment) is better than my 10 year old NSX.
I suspect that this type of failure is due to the 'hard use' of the clutch such as speed shift and popping clutch at high RPM. The NSX clutch would probably last as long as other cars under normal driving conditions. I can't imagine that a Honda would require a clutch every 12 to 15K miles under normal driving condition. Honda would have jumped in with a recall before their reputation is tarnished.