Need some advise NSX vs. GT3 or GT3RS

Mmmm that's the 2nd time I've read you posting the 911 engine is in the 'wrong place'.... Jeremy Clarkson :wink: That engine placement indeed posed some interesting engineering issues, but it also provides some significant advantages over other configurations. Just watch how they usually out brake you :) The GT3's don't have the failure issues of the standard 996's and early 997's (which are somewhat overblown to begin with). The NSX with mods is very cool, but I would expect less reliability/longevity out of the heavily modded NSX than a stock GT3 (not to mention resale).

I like to see a NSX with the same brakes and tires size as the 911 and see who has shorter stopping distance with regards to the engine placement for braking.

You can take a NSX, do a proper engine build plus a turbo or blower and be ahead of the GT3 and still have pocket change.....
Ask serialNSXer - he has owned a lot of NSX flavors and has a GT3 RS

I'd say his first hand experience should speak volumes
I like to see a NSX with the same brakes and tires size as the 911 and see who has shorter stopping distance with regards to the engine placement for braking.

You can take a NSX, do a proper engine build plus a turbo or blower and be ahead of the GT3 and still have pocket change.....

Not on the track. Don't fool yourself, a GT3RS is a serious track car that in capable hands will wipe even a modified turbo NSX. I love my NSX, but it's apples and oranges to a GT3RS.
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Not on the track. Don't fool yourself, a GT3RS is a serious track car that in capable hands will wipe even a modified turbo NSX. I love my NSX, but it's apples and oranges to a GT3RS.

If both cars produced the same power and torque curves with the same rubber size, rating and brakes then on the turn my nod would go towards the NSX due to the better weight dist while turning.

Of course we'l never see a NSX with the same size brakes and tires, etc. as the GT3.....
Not on the track. Don't fool yourself, a GT3RS is a serious track car that in capable hands will wipe even a modified turbo NSX. I love my NSX, but it's apples and oranges to a GT3RS.

Ryneen and this GTRS owner had some fun on the track
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

So did these capable hands
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Great video but obviously the NSX driver was far more skilled than the GT3 RS driver. The NSX driver hit every apex whereas the GT3 driver missed almost all of them. Though I love the NSX I highly doubt that the NSX would have been much competition if the RS was driven with an equally skilled driver...

Both great cars but I still love the NSX the most : ) Drove the GT3 today and it really is too much car for the street. Open up the GT3 on the highway and by 3rd gear you are doing speeds that will land you in jail very quickly! (Not advised BTW - keep it on the track!)
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I've seen both videos. The latter.... well that's BMI propaganda. Our local GT2 is a full 5 seconds a lap faster than me.

The former.... GT3RS driver isn't a "capable" driver. I have videos of me keeping up with a GT3 too, but in capable hands a "regular" GT3 is 2-3 seconds a lap faster than me at my home track and I'm not exactly stock either. :wink:

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Another followup.

I think that you're making unfair comparisons. A more reasonable line of questioning would be NSX vs 996 or perhaps a 996 C4S.

NSXs were designed in the 80s with only minor updates in the late 90s. I think that it is unreasonable to expect them to compete against the best of the best from 2005-2010.

NSX was way ahead of its time, but not 20 years ahead.
Another followup.

I think that you're making unfair comparisons. A more reasonable line of questioning would be NSX vs 996 or perhaps a 996 C4S.

NSXs were designed in the 80s with only minor updates in the late 90s. I think that it is unreasonable to expect them to compete against the best of the best from 2005-2010.

NSX was way ahead of its time, but not 20 years ahead.

This is a good point - It's actually pretty amazing how capable and refined the NSX is compared to even modern day sports cars. It's an OLD design. If comparing a stock NSX to a GT3, it's more of an aesthetic & driving experience decision... not a direct performance comparison. If you're talking about a highly modded NSX vs something like a GT3, then then the decision changes a bit - possibly comparable performance (though different strengths and weaknesses in each), but one is a cohesive design with factory reliability, and the other is tweaked and tuned far beyond the factory design.

I think you have to drive both and make the decision from there. Can't go wrong with either.
you see P-cars like you see people walking down the street, NSX is the way to go, who cares about if its slower and stock,

1 it will not break down,
2 looks better
3 its a honda nuff said.
.....NSX was way ahead of its time, but not 20 years ahead.

How many years ahead of the times?

Besides brakes, power and wheel/tires I think the rest of the NSX is capable. To start. it has a very stiff chassis that is "ahead of it's time".
I owned my NSX for 6 years and have had my 996 GT3 for 4 now. I modded my NSX and have tracked both, taken both on cruises and used them around town. Even with a new suspension that was tuned upon installation, the NSX is completely different than a GT3. Both are suitable for use on the track or around town, but the GT3 is not a cruiser. In fact you'll have to track it to see what it can do.

I would say that while the NSX is more exotic and gets more eyeball, and is easier to drive, the performance of a GT3 is an order of magnitude above the NSX. (insert comments about turbo chargers, jet propulsion and crazy mods to an NSX here) Porschefiles will know what your car is, but that's it. No one will look twice. That's fine with me. But people in the know will give you mad respect for your new Porsche. I find the 996 GT3 drivers get some extra respect at the track because the car has no driver nannies or aids. It will kill you if you ask it to.

I was at the same crossroads as you are. My NSX was fantastic, but I was looking at spending another $20k upgrading it. It made no sense to me. So I sold it and bought the GT3.

You won't get bored of a GT3. Trust me. It will take some time to get used to however. They drive very differently, but I have to say I like mine more and more the longer I own it.

Ultimately the NSX makes you a better driver than you might be. The GT3 will show exactly what kind of driver you are.

PS. I agree that the 996 GT3's rarity will make it more special as time goes on. Truely one of the greatest 911s of all time. If you go with a GT3, you can make it into a RS fairly easily if you want to.
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It's amazing we are making this comparison at all. What other car designed in the late 80's can you talk about buying versus a new GT3-RS? If the NSX wasn't so good the comparison would just be nuts.

The reason I have mine, with a HEFTY load of mods including a crazy suspension, BBK, supercharger, is that I just like how fun this car is to drive. Love the driving position, I love the sound, I love the view, I love the stick, I love sitting low, I love the engine behind my head, the steering feel. Drove a GT-R and I was not as excited... go figure.

Then on weekends I love cruising around in it (especially without a girlfriend that says "slow down, it's so loud" anymore), love taking the top off on nice summer nights, love the way it looks, love the way it excites so many people that see it.

It's just right for me. I can sell all my mods and sell the car and get an RS but I feel like I would lose something. I still remember being at the Nissan dealer driving a brand new black GT-R off the lot, staring at all the salesmen and all the customers gathered around my parked NSX. It's an exciting car.

997 GT3-RS. What an amazing car... would not be complaining if I had one. But my NSX modded just how I like it has a bit more Je ne sais quoi...
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Thank you all for your responses, that is exactly why I have missed this forum. You all make some pretty interesting arguments. In regards to a better track car...I would have to say the p-car wins hands down. The NSX has never had a very promising racing heritage although I love the car.

As I said before, I loved my X and still miss it to this day. I can certainly understand and appreciate the points made about a modified X being a little more exotic, but at what cost? I would only be interested in a 02+ car with low mileage, therefore; I have to live with the price point for the car of choice. While sacrifices could be made to lower costs such as year selection, my price point to include mods would be equal to GT3 RS money. The part that really makes me cringe is the fact that even with a Lovefab Stage 2 kit, the power output would be equal to a GT3 RS at around the 450hp marker. To show my reasoning a little more in-depth; here is one of the cars I am currently looking at

The two are very different cars for sure and I can understand that the comparison may not be fair in some regards. The NSX was originally designed to out do the Ferrari 348, but I do believe Honda out did themselves and created a car that captures the hearts and minds of every teenage boy (as that is all that paid mine any attention while I had mine :biggrin:). I can't really say that I miss people calling it a Corvette though...I HATED that!


I am so envious of your garage! I have been searching for years for your NSX color combo and you have beat me to a GT3 in addition to having my dream NSX. I am too jealous.
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How many years ahead of the times?

Besides brakes, power and wheel/tires I think the rest of the NSX is capable. To start. it has a very stiff chassis that is "ahead of it's time".

???? That's like saying, besides her face, ass and boobs the rest of her is pretty tight. :tongue:
Why is the nsx a great track car when modded esp with wide sticky tires..its all about the contact patch.the entire car is only a way to keep a tire as flat to the pavement as possible at all times,regardless of speed/road irregularities.The nsx although 20 y/o absolutely has a very good suspension design and stiff chassis to do this,its not hard to see why we track guys still have fun mixing it up with modern cars.
Thank you all for your responses, that is exactly why I have missed this forum. You all make some pretty interesting arguments. In regards to a better track car...I would have to say the p-car wins hands down. The NSX has never had a very promising racing heritage although I love the car.

As I said before, I loved my X and still miss it to this day. I can certainly understand and appreciate the points made about a modified X being a little more exotic, but at what cost? I would only be interested in a 02+ car with low mileage, therefore; I have to live with the price point for the car of choice. While sacrifices could be made to lower costs such as year selection, my price point to include mods would be equal to GT3 RS money. The part that really makes me cringe is the fact that even with a Lovefab Stage 2 kit, the power output would be equal to a GT3 RS at around the 450hp marker. To show my reasoning a little more in-depth; here is one of the cars I am currently looking at

The two are very different cars for sure and I can understand that the comparison may not be fair in some regards. The NSX was originally designed to out do the Ferrari 348, but I do believe Honda out did themselves and created a car that captures the hearts and minds of every teenage boy (as that is all that paid mine any attention while I had mine :biggrin:). I can't really say that I miss people calling it a Corvette though...I HATED that!


I am so envious of your garage! I have been searching for years for your NSX color combo and you have beat me to a GT3 in addition to having my dream NSX. I am too jealous.

How have you been ? I didn't think you would ever think about coming back. My car should be done at the end of the year so maybe you should buy it. :wink:
This will end the thread. RS 4.0! :tongue:

How have you been ? I didn't think you would ever think about coming back. My car should be done at the end of the year so maybe you should buy it. :wink:

What's up Brandon,

Long time no talk! How have you been? I would buy your car in a minute if it was up for sale.
I have been thinking about it alot. Are you back in the US or still in Iraq ?

I jumped the border and wars; I'm in Afghanistan now. You aren't getting rid of that car. You've been talking about it since I've known you. :biggrin:
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