Need some advise NSX vs. GT3 or GT3RS

29 March 2004
Hello everyone,

It has been over a year since selling my 04 NSX and I do miss it and regret selling it daily. I am currently thinking about getting another one, but the idea of a GT3 or GT3RS is growing on me. My NSX was stock and was great to say the least. No issues, concerns (other than it being a little slow) or anything else for that matter.

When thinking of all the things I would like to change on the X I started associating dollar values to those mods. Before you know have spent quite a bit of money (e.g. Lovefab turbo kit, wheels, brakes, etc.). As I have been looking over the past few months I see nothing but $70k cars with low or semi low mileage. A GT3RS can be had for around $115K or slightly less. GT3s even less than that.

Have any of you driven both? Do any of you currently own both? I would like to get your feedback to help me decide what to do. I can see the benefit of going with an NSX and modifying it to be better than a GT3, but still the Porsche is a different animal all together. I've never owned one so my curiosity is peaked. I am basing my comparison on buying a $70K car, $20K for Lovefab kit, clutch and install and about $10K in wheels and brakes. Already at $100k, this leaves out other good stuff like suspension, interior and exterior. Thanks in advance for your thoughts and/or suggestions. I do miss this forum.
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Well, I've driven both - as much as I love the NSX I'd go GT3. But that's just me - they drive VERY differently, and look VERY different, and have a different cachet. Given the same amount of money it's a no-brainer to me - GT3 or GT3 RS are designed by Porsche engineers as a complete package. As great as the aftermarket is for the NSX (i.e. Lovefab and the plethora of suspension and brake aftermarket manufacturers), IMHO you just can't compare to something engineered from the ground up by Porsche. Also re-sale will be much better with the factory Porsche rather than a modified NSX (no matter how nice). If you want the logical choice, Porsche. If you want something different, the modified NSX. Both would be incredible machines with more performance than most of us can fully utilize.
I was thinking the same as the OP a couple days ago when a friend of I were talking.

He sold he's '90s Porsche just like that overnight, when figure that for the amount of money he was going to spent making he's Porsche fast he would be be close to something that otherwise would look out of reach.

And he just picked up a white 997 GT3, everything in one day... Wow I am so envius . So I think I will follow he's steps pretty soon.

GT3 all the way, GT3rs even better.


Well, I've driven both - as much as I love the NSX I'd go GT3. But that's just me - they drive VERY differently, and look VERY different, and have a different cachet. Given the same amount of money it's a no-brainer to me - GT3 or GT3 RS are designed by Porsche engineers as a complete package. As great as the aftermarket is for the NSX (i.e. Lovefab and the plethora of suspension and brake aftermarket manufacturers), IMHO you just can't compare to something engineered from the ground up by Porsche. Also re-sale will be much better with the factory Porsche rather than a modified NSX (no matter how nice). If you want the logical choice, Porsche. If you want something different, the modified NSX. Both would be incredible machines with more performance than most of us can fully utilize.
GT3 without a doubt. Sounds like you like the look of the NSX but you like the performance of the GT3. If you have to question whether you should buy the NSX, then you shouldn't buy it. Buying an NSX these days is probably one of the most nonsense thing for a person to do in terms of performance and/or value.
You could do a 97 NSX + 12K lovefab and have a great car.

I have never driven a GT3, but I have been in a couple 996 GT3 on the track and was very impressed. I hear on the street they are not very nice due to the rough ride.

I drove a 997 Turbo and that was AWESOME.
Best idea I can muster is to get out and drive both cars again. I know that you personally owned an NSX so another stock example should be driven so you can just have that experience fresh in your head (notes help too) and then go out and drive a GT3/GT3RS and compare what you like/dislike and how much you might prefer one car over the other.

Who knows, you might find that the ride in the Porsche is super harsh or that the handling (while awesome) just doesn't suit how you like to drive. Adversely, you might find that you aren't as in love with the NSX as you once though you were and that might save you some time/money down the road.

Good luck and post to us what your decision is!
I have both an 02' NSX and an 04' GT3 (996). If you decide to go the GT3 route I would go with the 996 model as it was the first high performace "track version" since the 73' RS and will likely appreciate more for several reasons. Much lower production than the current models (somewhere under 2,000 units) whereas the new ones surpass that number yearly. Also there are no elctronic "nannies" such as traction control etcc...- it is a true no nonsense sports car. The rear wing looks WAY better as well : )

With all that said I would still buy the NSX. The GT3 is fast and very rare (like the NSX) however it still does not put a smile on my face like the NSX does even after all these years! You will get bored with the GT3 afeter a while while you still feel special driving the NSX every time.

I picked up an 87' Carrera and man is that car a blast! Weighs 2,600 lbs and has 217 HP. It boogies pretty good! I would pick up the NSX and with the savings but an older 911 to get the best of both worlds. 55k? for the NSX and a nice 87-89 (best tranny) for about 25k and now you have two cars that are rare and appreciating. I get more thumbs up for the 87' 911 than I do for the GT3!

Good luck either way


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Having driven several 997's and almost buying one, and now having had my NSX (which by the way, has as much in mods as you are thinking), I would say this sums it up best:

The GT3 is fast however... You will get bored with the GT3 after a while while you still feel special driving the NSX every time.

A heavily modified newer NSX and a stock older NSX are not really the same car. If you were asking about a standard used NSX versus a GT-3 it would be a NO-BRAINER. But if you are asking about taking 100K and putting it into an NSX and mods... versus a stock GT-3, that is a different question alltogether.

Perhaps I am the wrong guy to ask but I could have easily bought a number of cars at the price point of what I have into my NSX, all the way up to a GT-3 or an R8. I don't really regret what I have. This thing with what it has on it, is quite a car.
GT3 without a doubt. Sounds like you like the look of the NSX but you like the performance of the GT3. If you have to question whether you should buy the NSX, then you shouldn't buy it. Buying an NSX these days is probably one of the most nonsense thing for a person to do in terms of performance and/or value.
I have had alot of cars that i built and sunk alot of money into. I own an S2000 and my last car was a 703whp Honda Civic that was not a dyno queen. I just picked up my 00 Nsx CTSC, brembo's on all 4, df seats and every comptech part made for low 50's. I bought this car because i lost my ass on all my other cars so i let the previous owners take the hit. Yes a Porsche Gt3 is an ultimate car but make no mistake the Nsx you could buy for that cash and its still a Honda with great reliabilty. I ran a poker run today with a Lambo, GT3, and several 500hp Mustangs. My Nsx had no problem keeping up.
Your car is almost identical to mine, which is an all Comptech car (Brembo on all four also and everything else, 34k mile) except I don't have DF seats. I would love to have DF seats on my car but it seems like those aftermarket seats are not very friendly to shorter guys like me, so I am on the fence whether to go with aftermarket seats or just redo my oem seats when they start looking beatup.

Personally I bought the NSX because I like its look and it was my dream car growing up. With all the mods I have done to it and will be doing to it, I don't even want to think about what other cars I could have bought.

I just picked up my 00 Nsx CTSC, brembo's on all 4, df seats and every comptech part made for low 50's. .
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If you're going to live on a racetrack, get the GT-3. If it's a weekend/part time track car, I'd go NSX. I'm biased. I just love my NSX. Like... I am infatuated with it. It's a sick relatioship really, if she ever left me I'd have to have her killed.
Buying an NSX these days is probably one of the most nonsense thing for a person to do in terms of performance and/or value.

....except I don't have DF seats. I would love to have DF seats on my car but it seems like those aftermarket seats are not very friendly to shorter guys like me, so I am on the fence whether to go with aftermarket seats or just redo my oem seats when they start looking beatup.

I think you suffer from a multiple personality disorder. :wink:
I know. I am so confused!! :smile:

I knew that the second I saw your avatar. :biggrin: It's OK, we are an accepting family here on prime.

Now back to topic
I am track dog, the NSX is good but I should gotten a GT3, With the amount of money I've put into my NSX to make it faster .. It just makes no sence .
The car looks amazing and drives great but, now days cars are built with track duty in mind from factory and just makes no sence spending so much money on making obsolete Technology work , when all that it's been done already by Porsche .

We can put turbo/super chargers, suspension works, and then make it reliable but it cost and it cost alot, then turbo/super chargers will put extra wear on the engine then you have to replace/built another one which equals 10,000 or so.

Again, this from a track rat point of view of course.

DXD, I am so envious of your Garage! My future garage will hopefully look something like that one day (except instead of white cars they'll be black ones :cool:)

Baby steps john, you need to get tires for your rental car first :p
My $0.02... (a 45-year PCA member) get the NSX, you'll never regret it. UNLESS it's a dedicated track car, then the GT3RS.
The comfort, driveability, $$, and looks of the NSX make it the clear winner. And I'm happy to use my (not-outrageuously modified) NSX to play with the Porsches on track days.
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I have both an 02' NSX and an 04' GT3 (996). If you decide to go the GT3 route I would go with the 996 model as it was the first high performace "track version" since the 73' RS and will likely appreciate more for several reasons. Much lower production than the current models (somewhere under 2,000 units) whereas the new ones surpass that number yearly. Also there are no elctronic "nannies" such as traction control etcc...- it is a true no nonsense sports car. The rear wing looks WAY better as well : )

With all that said I would still buy the NSX. The GT3 is fast and very rare (like the NSX) however it still does not put a smile on my face like the NSX does even after all these years! You will get bored with the GT3 afeter a while while you still feel special driving the NSX every time.

I picked up an 87' Carrera and man is that car a blast! Weighs 2,600 lbs and has 217 HP. It boogies pretty good! I would pick up the NSX and with the savings but an older 911 to get the best of both worlds. 55k? for the NSX and a nice 87-89 (best tranny) for about 25k and now you have two cars that are rare and appreciating. I get more thumbs up for the 87' 911 than I do for the GT3!

Good luck either way

My $0.02... (a 45-year PCA member) get the NSX, you'll never regret it. UNLESS it's a dedicated track car, then the GT3RS.
The comfort, driveability, $$, and looks of the NSX make it the clear winner. And I'm happy use my (not-outrageuously modified) NSX to play with the Porsches on track days.

These posts make me think of another good point, in addition to what I mentioned before: if you're a track junkie, the GT3 will certainly fill all roles. The last GT3 I drove was a 997 GT3 RS, and I have to say other than the lightweight flywheel that takes a few minutes getting used to, it's quite comfy. If you don't have a budget limit and you're a track junkie, I still stand by recommending a 997 GT3 RS.

BUT the SFNSXguy points out, the NSX is an excellent all rounder and a terrific road car. I wouldn't spend all that money into modding an NSX for the street - it's faster than you can really take advantage of on the street, but a stock (lightly modded) NSX would make a great choice for the street. Track too, but the GT3 is probably a better option.

Also dxd makes a great point about the 911 3.2 - now there's a car that is 'relatively' slow but still a ton of fun. It's about the driving experience there, and you can have all the fun you have in an NSX, in a noticably slower car. A bit of a tangent, but for the street I always prefer a 'slower' car that is visceral, vs a 'fast' car that is so competent it doesn't challenge the driver until you're at insane limits.

Now that I'm thinking about the whole thing, with a 100K budget I think I'd get an early NA2 NSX (45K), a classic Ford Bronco (20K), and a well cared for used Radical SR3 (35K) with a nice trailer :biggrin:
Tough choice.

I'm partial to the NSX with mods.

911 engine is in the wrong place and they engineered around it to make the rear end format as stable as possible, but it's still a rear engine layout at the end of the day.

The stories of 911 engine failures just scares me. Sounds like a FD failing rate
but much much more expensive.

For me part of spending $$$ on a toy is for the wow factor from the general public. U can get speed, handling and braking in much lesser cars than either the NSX or 911 with the proper mods.

Most average people dun know the performance and cost factor of the GT3s and the regular 911s.
I always think about moving on to a GT3RS someday but then I remember I could put together a fully built N/A NSX that would be just as fast (if not faster) for less money.

Still though, for out of the box performance it's tough to beat the GT3.
Tough choice.

I'm partial to the NSX with mods.

911 engine is in the wrong place and they engineered around it to make the rear end format as stable as possible, but it's still a rear engine layout at the end of the day.

The stories of 911 engine failures just scares me. Sounds like a FD failing rate
but much much more expensive.

For me part of spending $$$ on a toy is for the wow factor from the general public. U can get speed, handling and braking in much lesser cars than either the NSX or 911 with the proper mods.

Most average people dun know the performance and cost factor of the GT3s and the regular 911s.

Mmmm that's the 2nd time I've read you posting the 911 engine is in the 'wrong place'.... Jeremy Clarkson :wink: That engine placement indeed posed some interesting engineering issues, but it also provides some significant advantages over other configurations. Just watch how they usually out brake you :) The GT3's don't have the failure issues of the standard 996's and early 997's (which are somewhat overblown to begin with). The NSX with mods is very cool, but I would expect less reliability/longevity out of the heavily modded NSX than a stock GT3 (not to mention resale).
Reminds me of this passage:

Two roads diverge in the woods and I,
I tookl the road less taken, and that has
made the difference.
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My vote is strongly with the Pcar.

I loved my NSX, but GT3s, while maybe more boring looking and less exciting to the average Joe than the exotic looking NSX, are clearly in a higher class.

Use the big deprecation of the Pcars and the no depreciation of the NSXs to your advantage.