Need some advice on a used '91 red/black

5 December 2005
Well I've finally come to a point in my life where I can actually acquire my dream car but obviously I want to be smart about it. I found a mint condition '91 red/black w/ about 50k miles on it and they are asking $29,500 (private seller). Is that fair? I know blue book on the NSX is no where near what they sell for............about $16,000 suggested for this particular car. What is a good offer and is there anything drastically inferior found in the '91 models to be wary of? Everyone on here seems pretty nice and helpful........any advice to this NSX lover (ever since I saw one in '90 and was reinforced by "the wolf" in Pulp Fiction) will be greatly appreciated....
I strongly urge you to use the search here on this site. This question is asked over and over again.

However, you're new here, so I'll get you started.

The price is fair if the car is in very good condition and has had the services done.

Some 91's and '92's suffered from a snap ring issue in the transmission. This was fixed in many, so check into this. The first question is to check to see whether the trans is in snap ring range and if it is, check to see whether the trans was fixed.

Strongly suggest you get a pre-purchase inspection.

Post back with any more questions...