Need help

This is NOT true you got over $50k off a DEMO dude. 70% of dealers are not giving over $50k off new non demo cars. These posts completely mis lead people.

^^^SO TRUE^^^ 70% of the dealers out there do not even offer the full $30K off, you have to work them for that. As for the $50K-$60K off cars, you are talking about an "exposure/ program/ demo car" which itself is a freaking great deal especially if it is a CPO (ask me how I know...hehehe :biggrin:)...FWIW
Yes I agree these are demo cars, to me it’s not a deal breaker if it has a few hundred miles and has the warranty till the lease ends. I’m happy.

As for the 50k off new cars I have all the paperwork. Pm me to learn where to get these deals.

I’m only trying to help people out and I’m not trying to mislead anyone. Just making sure I pass the good deals to everyone here. Additional 3-5k is something I was trying to aim for nothing wrong with that.

I’m sorry if anyone thinks that I’m misleading them, but I do have all details for all the deals I have gotten out there. Again my apologies.
And these are NEW cars and not DEMOS that why they are not $60k off. The demos get $2k per a month they are in use and some dealers are taking that off as a discount for buyers in addition to 30k rebate. also they will not be needed in 2018 because all vehicles will be custom ordered only. Posting these crazy expectation are preventing people from buying cars, I just don't get it.
I apologize for sounding harsh i just don't want people to miss out on a great car over $3k to $5k or so this won't be around forever as they are selling the shit outta these things with these rebates/ incentives.

Keep in mind if you read it on the internet, instagram or twitter it must be true :confused:....LMFAO
This is precisely why we have "fake news", people by and large will not do their own research/ investigation and come to there own conclusion, they find it much easier to follow than lead. Just look at our college campuses today, just full of mindless lemmings being lead to slaughter :eek:....JM2C :cool: